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Porutham Horoscope Matching Astrology in India

we have marriage matching or Horoscope matching or Kundali matching online calculator. By this one can find the perfect partner match by checking horoscope compatibility via online. This horoscope matching for marriage is 100% free. So that everyone can find online Kundli matching. This marriage prediction is based on nakshatra matching. Horoscope matching is called as Jathaka Porutham in Tamil. This Jathaka porutham calculator in Tamil will definitely help Tamil people. Here we can find 10 porutham for marriage.

Our society attaches great importance to the concept of marriage. It views marriage as not just the unification of two people but the coming together of two families. Well begun is half done. Thus the first step in this process is to check the compatibility of the couple. This is called thirumana porutham(marriage matching in Tamil) or simply porutham. This is very important for any marriage process. Anything done right from the beginning will definitely lead to success and since its marriage that we are talking about, thirumana porutham is the first thing to start with.

According to astrology thirumana porutham(marriage matching) in Tamil is the core and various other aspects of marriage surround it. Thirumana porutham involves comparison of the birth star(janma nakshatra) and Janma rasi of boy and girl to find their level of compatibility and ensure their happy and long life. To check for even more detailed thirumana porutham horoscope matching is done which is very precise.

There are ten components of thirumana porutham(marriage matching). Greater the number of porutham, better is their compatibility. The match is considered good. The compatibility levels are stated as uthamam, madhyamam and adhamam based on the levels of match (porutham). Greater the porutham, uthamam is the match(porutham). Now let us see the ten components of thirumana porutham in detail.


In thirumana porutham(marriage matching) this porutham is checked to ensure a long and prosperous life, free from all the challenges that life can pose to the couple. After comparison of the stars of boy and girl, if the percentage of compatibility is high, that is if there is greater porutham then the match can go ahead. This will ensure a good future for the couple, free from various discomforts. But whatever the case may be,the 27th nakshatra, that is the last star has to be rejected from any calculation.


Ganas are nothing but sub categories. In astrology the 27 nakshatras are divided into three sub categories or ganas. They are deva ganam, raakshasa ganam and maanushya ganam. In thirumana porutham(marriage matching) Ganaporutham represents the physical characteristics that the boy and girl would share. This checks the compatibility of their characters with each other and with the society.If they both belong to the same ganam, it is considered as most appropriate and is called eka ganam.If the boy boy and girl belong to deva ganam and maanushya ganam then we can go ahead with the match. But if both belong to raakshasa ganam the match is considered inappropriate.

Porutham Horoscope Matching Astrology in India


This porutham checks for the ability to have good children. This also ensures the longevity of the bond the couple share. In thirumana porutham(marriage matching), mahendra porutham is considered for santhanam(progeny). It Is the children who complete a family. Thus a positive mahendra porutham signals greater chances of achieving a complete family.


In thirumana porutham(marriage matching in Tamil), this porutham is checked for financial situation and prosperity . Of the 10 porutham, a good streedeergha porutham ensures the couple a life filled with happiness and prosperity. If the boy's nakshatra is 13 nakshatras above that of the girl's, then the match is considered optimum.But in some cases if the boy's nakshatra is 7 nakshatras above girl's , even then it is considered enough and the match can go ahead.In some cases where the boy's nakshatra is above 7 nakshatars and below 13 nakshatras of the girl's then the porutham is considered moderate and matchmaking can still be done.


In thirumana porutham(marriage matching in Tamil) this porutham denotes the sexual compatibility of the couple.There are certain nakshatas which are not compatible. Every nakshatra is associated with an animal. With this we can determine their compatibility. For example, cat and rat are foes.There wont be any understanding between them. Poosam nakshatra is associated with goat and it is not compatible with chithirai which is represented by tiger. Higher the percentage of porutham, greater will be the intimacy in physical relationship.


In Tamil astrology rasi means zodiac sign. In thirumana porutham(marriage matching) rasi porutham checks for the compatibility of zodiac signs. This porutham is very important to lead a peaceful life after marriage. The rasi of a person is determined by the position of the moon at the time of birth. It is this rasi that determines their character and physical characteristics. A lot can be known about a person from their Rasi. Rasi porutham is very helpful if other much complicated porutham do not match.Usually a match is considered good if the rasi of the girl and boy is in 7th position. If the couple's rasi is in 6th or 8th position it is called sashtashtaga dosham. Rasi porutham is a deeper concept.


This porutham checks the compatibility levels of the ruling lords of the boy and girl. This is very important for good understanding between the two families involved. If the ruling lords share a friendly relationship then the match can be proceeded with as it is considered as good porutham. If the ruling lords share neutral relationship even then we can proceed with match.But if they are rivals then the match should be strictly abandoned. This porutham is also very important for the wealth of the offsprings. A good rasi adhipathi porutham will ensure wealthier generation.


In thirumana porutham(marriage matching) this porutham denotes strong mutual physical attraction between the couple. This porutham helps couple in enjoying pleasurable moments together. When porutham like gana porutham and rasi porutham are giving trouble, this porutham is very handy.


This porutham denotes maangalya bhakyam of girl and a very positive porutham is very important to proceed with the match. In thirumana porutham, rajju porutham is a very important porutham. We cannot make any compromise in this porutham. The 27 nakshatras are divided into 5 groups or rajju,with each group representing a body part.If the girl and boy belong to the same rajju then the match is considered inappropriate.If they both belong to the same rajju then it leads to rajju dosham. A girl free from rajju dosham will have a strong maangalya bhagyam.


In thirumana porutham if this porutham is not properly made then the couple will face hardship in their life. In worst cases the couple will go for divorce. Certain nakshatras repel each other. Match made between such nakshatras will be disastrous.

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