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Health Astrology - 1st Houses

The Houses in an astrology chart represent different facets of your life, based on the time and location of birth, and show the gifts or obstacles you will face in this lifetime. It's a perfect numerical. The health problem is especially diagnosed by the nature of the planets. Suppose your benefic planet is in the house, which is not favourable for it, then the planet may become combust and may cast a negative impact on your health.

We can predict the type of disease that can affect a person when the planet or zodiac sign becomes weak or is affected by negative planets. You may not be affected by all of these diseases and may also stay healthy. However, a certain type of disease might affect you at a certain part, so you can be extra careful when taking care of your health by using necessary precautions.

Moon in 1st house in Astrology makes a person a loner, and this position, however, makes a person think very logically. Moon in 1st house in Vedic Astrology makes a person restless but a good business-minded individual. However, it usually ruins the relationship with the mother if in the enemy sign.

The first house in astrology represents the physical characteristics of the native. It is responsible for the entire mapping of the native's life and how other houses and planets will work in the life of the native. In totality, the first house represents the native's life map, personality, appearance, obstacles, the foundation of life and health.

The Moon represents the emotional response to surroundings, emotional connectivity or relationship with people. It signifies the mind, which is most important as per astrology as it defines a person and his acts in life. Moon also represents the mother's influence on the native.

It represents the body you were born with, your physical appearance, and your general temperament. Natal planets that occupy the First House tend to have a very strong influence in that person's life (for instance, Mercury in the First House is a sign of a chatterbox, while the moon in the First House reveals someone who wears emotions on their sleeve). Since this is the first stop in the cycle, when planets in the sky transit into this house, our goals are manifested, and new projects, ideas, or perspectives finally take form. This House corresponds with Aries energy.

Health Astrology 1st Houses in India

Areas of Life Ruled and Governed by the 1st House

The important factors represented by the 1st House are personality, physical appearance, character, temperament self-identity, strengths, weaknesses, and health. Thus, when we study the planets which are placed in the 1st house, we can know many things about the individual. The first house is very significant in determining the destiny of the people.

Significance of the 1st House

Well, the 1st House is also known as Tanu Bhava in Vedic Astrology, which means the house of the body. The reason for this is that the 1st house influences one's individuality. Thus factors like looks, attraction, physical features, and strengths are determined by the 1st house. Your zeal and energy, overall health and well-being are determined by the 1st house.

The 1st house in astrology is associated with the head and the upper part of the face in terms of the body parts that it governs. Besides, in general Astrology, the 1st house stands for the overall condition of the country and the people living therein. The house tells us about some key topics catering to the self, which includes, who you are, what you want to do in life, and how will you do it. These factors make each one of us a unique individual. The 1st house decides and determines how do we grow in life and gives shape to the things on the basis of how we perceive the world.

The 1st house in astrology is also about public appearance, how does a person project himself or herself to the world at large. It shows the distinction between how we show ourselves and what we actually are. It is like a mirror that reflects our honesty or the judgment of how much we practice what we preach.

The tangerine-hued citrine won't just render you a sense of optimism, but also help you stay in the energy of abundance.

Interpreting 1st House in Your Chart

While Ascendant is powerful, the 6th house (diseases), 8th house (near death experience) and 12th house (death) should be weak too. Sun is the major karaka known to bring health and energy to the native so it should be strongly placed in the horoscope, without malefic effect of planets such as Ketu, Rahu and Saturn. Moreover, Moon should also be strong enough as it reflects one's mind, leading one to clear thinking and better judgment and mental health.

A look at Ascendant gives a learned astrologer a clear idea to the native's constitution, stamina level and overall health. It determines one's ability to fight diseases and overcome any health complications brought upon by malefic houses and planets. Now to establish the strength of Ascendant, two things should be given due consideration in a chart reading. First, the Ascendant should be free from any malefic influence. Benefic planets posited in Ascendant are considered auspicious as long as they do not correlate with a malefic house such as 6th, 8th and 12th.

In certain cases, even the malefic planets can bring positive results in terms of health, provided they are benefic for that particular horoscope. For example, if Capricorn is the Ascendant and Saturn, the lord of Capricorn is placed in First house then it will be treated as benefic for that Capricorn horoscope.

Another point to note is that the Ascendant lord is positively placed in the chart, such as in own sign, exalted, in a benefic house and not in the malefic houses like 6th, 8th and 12th house. First house represents the head, face and the brain, one of the most important parts of the body to function at all. An affliction of the house can be detrimental to health, increasing chances of complications such as headache, stress, paralysis, wounds, scars, mental disorders, nose bleeding etc. An afflicted first house and Aries suggests possibility of impaired brain and nervous system including lunacy.

If the ascendant is occupied by a mooltrikon sign and its lord is strongly placed (without malefic aspects, debilitation, and affliction) or is aspecting the ascendant along with other benefic planets, the Ascendant determines the longevity of one's life and suggests a long house.

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