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Natal Astrology in India

A natal chart (a.k.a. birth chart) is an astronomical snapshot of the stars based on the exact day, time, and place you were born. In astrology, a natal chart reading indicates your character traits, behavioral tendencies, hidden desires, and the directions your life might take.

The sun spends a month in each of the 12 zodiac signs, so when you learn your sign, it refers to the sun's placement on the day you were born. But the actual time of your birth - not just the date - is so much more important than you might initially think. That's because all the celestial bodies move at different rates through the signs. For instance, the moon moves roughly every two and a half days. Mercury, depending on its retrograde phases, can spend anywhere from 15-60 days in a sign. Plus, it's possible that you were born on a day in which the sun - or any of the planets - moved from one sign to the next.

But if you know the precise time and location you came into the world, you can create an accurate snapshot of the sky at the time of your birth. (Yep, that's the reason why those of us in the know ask app matches or potential partners to ask their parents or check their birth certificate.) And from that info, you can cast - generally via software these days, but it can also be done by hand - what's referred to as a natal or birth chart that illustrates not only what signs the planets and luminaries (the sun and moon) were in when you were born but other info that offers even more insight into your astrological wiring, like houses, degrees, and aspects.

What Your Sun Sign Means?

Even though there is so much more to astrology than your sun sign, it's still a significant piece of the big picture. The sun influences your confidence, self-image, self-esteem, sense of self, and identity. It can also speak to what your path is meant to be in this life.

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Depending on the house your sun falls in, you can get a sense of the areas of life in which your personality shines and you have the most opportunity to express your individuality. For instance, if the sun was in the 10th house (which deals with public image and career) when you were born - regardless of the sign - you'll likely find that you thrive when you're hitting your long-term work goals and earning recognition and enjoying the limelight thanks to professional achievements. Layer the sign on, and you'll get even more intel on your identity and how that plays out with your sun in the 10th house. For instance, if your sun is in Aquarius, you might make your mark in science, tech, humanitarian causes, and/or perhaps you're known to be innovative, personable, and being able to connect with a diverse range of people.

Natal Astrology in India

What Your Moon Sign Means?

The moon — which is a wonderful way to illustrate how the sky affects us here on earth, given how it's gravitational pull influences the tides — offers helpful insight into your emotional being. It's basically the emotional compass of your chart, shaping your sense of safety and security, values, and intuition. When you express how you feel in your heart of hearts, it's coming from your moon sign. In a way, your moon sign can actually speak even more to who you are at your core than any other planet or luminary.

Its placement is key, too. If your moon falls in your seventh house of partnership, you likely feel best when you're relating in one-on-one scenarios. If it's in the third house of communication, you might work through your emotions in a very mentally-charged way. Then, considering the sign it was in can help you get an even better sense of how you experience and process all the feels.

What Your Rising Sign, or Ascendant, Means?

The sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth is considered your rising or ascendant. It speaks to the image you project out into the world, and it offers insight into your skills, talents, and strategies you might adopt to make your way in life. It's a building block of the chart you'll want to look at if you feel like you don't "present" as your sun sign. Case in point: Say you were born on October 17, so you've been told that you're a harmony- and balance-seeking air sign Libra. But your rising sign is dynamic fire sign Aries, so you often lead with a more gung-ho, competitive, even confrontational energy.

Because it speaks to the external self, your ascendant can also affect your appearance. For example, Scorpio risings tend to have an intense, magnetic, mysterious vibe, have a commanding, possibly even intimidating presence, and enjoy wearing darker colors, while Leo risings might pay special attention to their hair (manes, if you will), come off as effortlessly charismatic, and gravitate to bright, cheerful, golden hues.

It also bears noting that the ascendant always lands in your first house, which is all about your personal brand, if you will — the first impression you give people, the way you take the reins in life, how you first formed your self-image early in life as well as your physical appearance.

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