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Political Sun Astrology in India

Every country is ruled by politicians and they serve to the nation to work for countrymen. In the current period, it has sparkle a good career choice in which one can earn money as well in addition to serve the community. But just join this area is not sufficient. It's necessary to attain favourable outcome in this field.

In case you are choosing politics as a profession and want success in this field and wish to know whether it is presumable or not then it is important to check the Kundli, birth chart, horoscope for yoga, dasha and also position of planets.

The youth of this generation is very excited to get into politics. The reason behind is politics is such a profession which gives you fame, respect, power, wealth and money. But it is not easy to become a good politician.

Even an individual with politics background may not be a successful politician. This is why it is important to get a career prediction from an Expert Astrologer because astrology and career are strongly connected.

Special qualities are needed to be a successful politician. Qualities like communication skills, wisdom, domination, good orator, courage, leadership, diplomatic vision are inevitable to be successful as a politician.

Astrological aspects to enter in political field

1st House

It represents the attitude, nature, character, strength and control which tests the leader's tolerance and forbearance in the course of tough situation.

2nd House

It represents the power of voice tone and a speech on a particular topic. A competent politician must have the power of voice, on when he addressed to the people.

3rd House

It represents the combination of mind and courage of a person. A politician have to required courage of taking stiff, so far important steps and decision in crucial period.

5th House

It is the house of mental comforts. A politician must realize that he is the leader and have to serve the public.

6th House

It represents the competition, hidden enemies, health of a person. A politician needs to incorporate a good diet and discipline for his fitness and also holding a watch to enemies.

7th House

It represents the public image, public opinion and control on public. A politician must have aware his relationship with the general public.

9th House

This is the house of destiny stand as it is said that 'Destiny always with courageous person'. If a politician is courageous and brave, the destiny will, itself, follow him.

10th House

It represents the profession, relation with senior and get favour from senior, superior or boss.

11th House

It represents the fulfilment of desires, success in competition and also represent the winner of any type battle.

The houses including 5th, 1st, 7th, 2nd, 10th, 3rd, 6th, 11th, 9th 10th etc. are considered to be important for politics. As per the famous political astrologer Acharya V Shastri, the fifth house is considered to be the house of mental comforts, luxury and kingship. In terms of fortune, 9th house is considered important. Ruler ship, fame in public and power are denoted by 10th house. For success in politics, the person must have tone that is pleasantly impressive and speech clarity and for this, 2nd house is significant. The ability of decision making and thinking ability of the person is related to 3rd house.

It is the courage house and leader's ability is denoted by this strength of this house at the time of decision making to take brave steps. Native's health is represented by 6th house and self is represented by 1st house. At the time of difficult circumstances, the endurance of a leader is represented by 6th and 1st house strength. The 10th house is of politics and therefore serves to be the most important for political career. In politicians' horoscopes, link of Rahu is seen with these houses. All these house need to be strong for a successful career in politics.

Political Sun Astrology in India

Significant planetary positions and ascendant

For leadership, the ascendant of Leo is believed to be beneficial. The native get enduring political power along with wealth and fame with position of Jupiter, Moon, Sun and Mercury in 2nd house, planet Mars in 6th house, 12th house with Rahu, 11th house with Saturn and 6th house with ketu.

Those having Cancer ascendant are considered to be born politicians. Along with this, other beneficiary positions include Rahu in 6th house, Mars in 2nd house, and Saturn in lagna and Mercury-Saturn in 11th or 5th house. These planetary positions in horoscope of the person indicate successful career in political field in which the person is able to earn fame, name and wealth. While taking about career in politics, another beneficial aspect is ascendant of Scorpio.

These are the important astrological aspects indicating that the person can become a good politician and enjoy successful political career. If you also running a business and to start making more money and maximise the potential of your business.

Main planets for political success

Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars play a vital role in your horoscope to be a successful politician.

  • The Sun is the soul and it represents power, position, leadership, government. Sun should be in a good position to be a politician.
  • The Moon rules the mind and makes your mind strong. For taking good decisions with any hesitation, you should have a strong mind.
  • Jupiter excels you with goodwill, reputation, Justice and purity, and so the positions of Jupiter should be strong in a horoscope.
  • Mars plays a major role as it is for wars, quarrels, courage and strong leadership power. Mars empowers you with the fighting spirit and move ahead without hesitation.
  • Saturn is for justice, hard work, shrewdness, calmness, carefulness, service to people and connect with people.
  • Rahu empowers manipulation, and it is a vital trait for a successful politician.

Astrological yoga for Successful Politician in Astrology

There is too much astrological yoga available in horoscope but some yoga is very necessary for success in political arena.

Raja Yoga

Raja yoga play an important role in the life of persons. The lords of a Quadrant (Kendra) and Trine (trikon) house are in conjunction, mutually aspect or in reception. This is a combination of good fortune. Trikon house (1, 5, and 9) its house represent Lakshmi and Kendra (1, 4, 7 and 10) it represent Vishnu.

Dhan Yoga

There is a relationship between the Lagan lord on the one hand and the 2nd, or 5th, or 9th or 11th lord on the other hand. The person will be wealthy.

Gajakesari Yoga

The Jupiter and Moon are either conjunct, square or in opposition .The person is illustrious, overpowering, virtuous, wealthy, intelligent, and scholarly, of royal bearing and enjoys lasting fame.

Budha Aditya Yoga

Sun and Mercury are conjunct in the same house (also known as Budhadhiya Yoga).The person is sweet tongued, clever, scholarly, virtuous and will have learning, wealth, progeny and self-control, earns wealth by serving others. Also said to be highly intelligent, skillful in all works with a good reputation.

karmajiva Yoga

The 10th house from Lagan contains very strong Mercury devoid of a malefic aspect. The person's fame is going to extend in various directions.

Parivartan Yoga

What is Parivartan yoga ? When a planet B is in the sign of planet A, and planet A is in the sign of planet B this situation called Parivartan Yoga. When the two sign lord mutually exchange called parivartan yoga. For example, if Saturn in the house of Moon and Moon is placed in the house of Saturn or if Saturn is in Cancer sign and cancer sign lord Moon is in Capricorn sign. This Parivartan yoga formed in the Horoscope of Indira Gandhi.

Nakshatra Parivartan Yoga

When a planet A is in the Nakshatra of Planet B and planets B is in the Nakshatra of planet A that mutual exchange of Nakshatra called Nakshatra Parivartan Yoga.

Chandra Mangala Yoga

When the Moon and Mars in conjunction or aspect each other. Such person has manipulating quality. Such person manipulate even in worst situation.

Mahabhagya Yoga

Mahabhagya yoga is formed, when a male child is born during day time and Sun, Moon and Ascendant are in odd signs. In case of female, Sun, Moon and Ascendant should be in even signs and native should be born at night.

Panch Mahapurush Yoga

Mars ( Ruchak Yoga), Mercury ( Bhadra Yoga), Jupiter ( Hansa Yoga), Venus ( Malavya Yoga) Saturn ( Shasya Yoga) any of one placed in own sign or in exaltation and in a Kendra for this yoga.

Vargottam Yoga

If two or three planets are Vargottam then the native will success in politics.

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