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Virgo Compatibility Astrology in India

Virgo (born August 23-September 22) is an earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury, making this star sign highly communicative and intellectual. Virgos will often dedicate themselves to a particular job, project, or hobby with relentlessness, setting the highest standards and rules for themselves. Virgos tend to be meticulous, too. They're the ones known for making sure everything is in its proper place!

This intellectual precision and eye for detail makes Virgo an excellent project manager and problem-solver. These careful thinkers can just as easily be found in the boardroom or behind the scenes of a nonprofit, ensuring that big plans go off without a hitch. A Virgo tends to act as self-appointed CEO of their family as well, able to store the entire family schedule on the shelf of their spacious memory.

Even though Virgos like to lead, they're also known for being modest and reserved. Virgos like to cultivate atmospheres that feel safe, intentional, and peaceful. Thoughtful Virgo is known for being a patient parent and partner who is eager to share what they're exploring with loved ones, and sees family as an endless opportunity to learn about the world through the eyes of others.

When a Virgo gets off-kilter, this star sign can become overly perfectionistic and judgmental. Feeling out-of-control may send Virgo into overdrive as they try to force their lives back into "order" by over-researching, over-thinking, and planning everything down to the last detail. A Virgo's neurotic streaks can be tempered by more flexible loved ones who can help this star sign take a breath, look at the bigger picture, and realize that they don't have to bear the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Virgos are a complex sign, which means there's a lot to learn about them. Make sure you check out our in-depth guide to Virgos for all the information you need to know.

Virgo Personality Traits

We can begin to learn about the sign of Virgo by considering its ruling planet, Mercury, which governs communication, intellect, and travel and is also associated with the sign of Gemini.

In Gemini (a mutable air sign), Mercury manifests as quick-thinking, chatty, and dynamic energy. Virgo, however, is an earth sign, so it speaks to Mercury's more self-contained energy.

Virgo's job, with the help of Mercury, is to sort through the harvest—essentially separating what's necessary from what's not. Virgo is dedicated to this task, hence why Virgos are often known as the editors of the zodiac.

The "virginity" of Virgo doesn't necessarily have to do with sexual virginity. Rather, it ties to the sign's dedication to purity and service. It also demonstrates the notion that Virgos are totally capable of caring for themselves.

Virgo is a mutable sign, meaning it helps us transition from one season to the other (in the Northern Hemisphere, Virgo season arrives as summer begins transitioning to fall), so there's a mental and physical flexibility and dynamism to Virgo—just like fellow Mercury-ruled sign Gemini.

Virgo Traits

  • Detail Oriented
  • Dedicated
  • Flexible
  • Independent
  • Modest
  • Organized
  • Practical

Challenges and opportunities for growth

Sometimes Virgos are so bent on serving to the best of their abilities, avoiding errors, and triple-checking their work that they can forget to have fun. All of that perfectionism can be tiring!

When they do remind themselves to let loose, though, Virgos are typically a blast—with mercurial wit, dry humor, and a bit of a wild side. The typical Virgo will do well to remember that it's OK to make mistakes from time to time, and relaxation is an essential form of self-care.

Virgo Compatibility Astrology in India

A Good Match for Virgo

Virgo-compatible signs tend to exhibit certain character traits that Virgos find attractive. To understand Virgo compatibility, you need to be aware what traits Virgos value in their friends and partners. We'll help you get a handle on what makes a good match for Virgo by exploring five Virgo-compatible traits below.

Trait 1: Curiosity

One of Virgo's defining traits is their thirst for knowledge. Virgo is a life-long learner, diving headfirst into the rabbit holes in search of new ideas or skills. The world is Virgo's research site, and Virgos enjoy observing people, nature, and everything in between. (They also like to make mental catalogs of these tidbits, so you definitely want a Virgo on your quiz team!).

A Virgo loves nothing more than a friend or partner who doubles as co-researcher, and they're drawn to people who share their insatiable curiosity. A curious partner brings more interesting content into a Virgo's life, which is perfect for a person who delights in collecting new ideas and observations.

Trait 2: Lightheartedness

Virgos tend to be a bit tense, and their need for neatness can keep them running on a hamster wheel of cleaning, organizing, and fixing. The "r" word (relax!) doesn't fit into their vocabulary. That's why a more laid-back partner can help a Virgo loosen up.

A Virgo has faith in their own fastidiousness, so allowing themselves to rest can make a Virgo feel totally out of control. A friend or partner who's able to live in the present, laugh at life, and hang up the hamster wheel can help Virgo see that it's safe to take a day off!

Trait 3: Caring

As the zodiac's biggest helper, a Virgo likes to surround themselves with other sensitive, caring people. The best friends and partners for Virgos are people who love to take care of others as well.

Virgos are fixers and caretakers, and they tend to attract people who need caretaking. When Virgo meets a nurturer out in the wild, it can feel like they've found a rare kindred spirit. A Virgo likes to be partnered with someone who understands their fussing and fretting over others and jumps in to help out with caretaking duties. To Virgos, a nurturing spirit is especially important in a long-term partner that they want to have a family with. Virgo's family-oriented personality pairs well with another who will dedicate themselves to caring for those they love.

Trait 4: Levelheadedness

A Virgo is loathe to live in anything resembling a state of chaos. The less in control Virgo feels, the more this star sign tends to think the sky is falling. (Virgos are perfectionists, remember? That means they don't handle upheaval well!) Virgos tend to crumble when they start spiraling, which can impact their mental health.

Enter a levelheaded lover, who can tell neurotic Virgo that the sky is, in fact, intact, and their panic may be premature. Virgo needs someone to provide perspective when things don't go their way, and a partner who has more of an eye for the forest than the trees can assuage Virgo's fears with a bird's eye view.

Trait 5: Compassion

Virgos are very sensitive, which means they don't open up to others much. While they're comfortable showing love and care to others, they tend to be more defensive when it comes to their own emotions. Such a loving heart is easily bruised, and Virgos tend to build walls around their feelings in order to protect themselves.

While Virgo may want to express their emotions, they often don't know how, so a partner who is fluent in emotional communication can draw Virgo out without making them feel violated. A partner who is patient and compassionate can help Virgos access the part of themselves they hide behind a strong exterior.

Virgo in love & sex

Precision is a key Virgo word, and this applies to love, sex, and relationships, too. The typical Virgo knows what they want. While many stereotypes surrounding Virgo have to do with prudishness or seriousness, the reality is that this sign simply won't settle.

The image of the "sexy librarian" is very Virgoan. They seem buttoned up, but don't be fooled. They know how to have fun, too.

Virgos approach love as a holistic endeavor, so a partnership with a Virgo can feel like a total mind-body-spirit makeover. They will challenge you to be your best, most interesting self. Try not to take it too personally if they correct your grammar or offer you a reading list. This is how Virgos show they care.

Virgo in friendship

At their best, the Virgos in your life will strive to help you be the best version of yourself. This is because they tend to see things as they could be, as opposed to as they are.

The sign of Virgo is associated with self-care and service, so Virgos tend to befriend and partner with people who are dedicated to caring for themselves and the planet. Like Geminis, Virgos are known for their quick wit and dry sense of humor. However, they can come off as critical or cold, especially because they do indeed like to "know it all."

Virgo in career & money

Virgo is perhaps the most detail-oriented of the zodiac signs. This means that whatever profession they embark upon, they're going to spot those glitches, errors, and nuances that go unnoticed by others.

Their Mercury rulership makes Virgos shine in areas like writing, editing, and publishing. This service-oriented sign is always asking the question "How can I help?" and striving to improve themselves and their work environments.

Virgos tend to be highly organized and excellent at making their own schedules, so working from home as a freelancer or independent contractor is totally feasible for this sign. In fact, Virgos tend to be so good at self-discipline that they often need to remind themselves to slow down, take a break, and chill.

Virgo Compatibility

There are no absolutes when it comes to astrological compatibility, but Virgos typically gravitate toward folks who can help them learn, grow, and serve a higher purpose. Here are their most compatible and incompatible signs in friendship and love.

Compatible Signs

Generally, the most compatible signs for Virgo friendships and romantic relationships are fellow earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) as they'll match their grounded nature. Water signs Cancer and Scorpio tend to mesh well with Virgos, too. Though there may be obstacles along the way, Virgos can also match with their opposite sign Pisces and bond over their mutable natures. They can also get along with fellow Mercury-ruled Geminis.

Incompatible Signs

Air signs like Libra and Aquarius might be a little too flighty for Virgo's tastes, while the intensely passionate fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) tend to clash with level-headed Virgo.

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