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Bhakut Dosha Astrology in India

Bhakoot Dosha is one of the popular doshas, along with Nadi Dosha and Mangal Dosha, in the subject of match making. Whenever a pair of kundli is matched for the purpose of marriage, an astrologer gives special attention to these big-name doshas. The astrologer might display a worry, whenever a Mangal dosha, a Nadi dosha or a Bhakoot dosha arises in the results of the complete kundli matching process.

Bhakoot dosha and Nadi dosha are both part Ashtakoot method of kundli matching. They are nothing but the downsides arising from incompatibilities in Bhakoot matching and Nadi matching, respectively. While Mangal dosha or Manglik dosha is a completely independent concept, which is largely based on planet Mars in the respective kundlis of bride and groom.

As the name suggests Bhakoot is one of the Koota. Bhakoot is Bhava Koot. Bhava means a House in Vedic astrology. Hence a Koot which is based on Bhava or House is called Bhakoot.

If you wonder what is Koota. So a Koota (pronounced as Koot) is a parameter of compatibility analysis in the matching of Kundlis. In the Ashtakoot method of kundli matching, there are eight Koota or eight different parameters on which the birth charts of the bride and the groom are analysed. The scores of these 8 Koota provides the idea of possible marriage scenario and highs and lows in married life.

Ashtakoot Guna Milan has 36 points as the total maximum point distributed among 8 different Koota. The Bhakoot Koota gets 7 points out of a total of 36 compatibility points. Bhakoot Koota has the second-highest point, after Nadi Koota which get 8 points, in all 8 Kootas. By this, we can understand how much importance has been given to Bhakoot by ancient astrologers who drafted this system. No doubt that whenever Bhakoot doesn't match in kundli matching and overall results of compatibility analysis don't provide compensation for it, then it is a downside to the smooth experiences of married life.

According to Vedic Astrology, when moon signs in the birth chart of couples are making unfavourable combinations like 6-8, 9-5 or 12-2 Bhakoot Dosh is formed that can be harmful to a successful marriage. This combination is made as explained below

  • The boy from Aries sign and Girl from Virgo sign, the moon of the boy will be 8th from the moon of girl and moon of the girl will be sixth from the moon of the boy. In this case, a 6-8 combination is formed.
  • Bhakut in Kundli of 6-8: This combination will be very harmful to the health of the pair and this can also lead to an operation.
  • Bhakoot 9-5: This can cause progeny issues and many major problems in relationships. (Where moon of one person is Virgo and another person is Taurus)
  • Bhakut in Kundli of 12-2: Finance will be badly affected and there will be health complications in the marriage. ( Where moon of one person is Gemini and another person is Taurus)
  • In extreme cases where other malefic beliefs are present in their birth chart other than Bhakoot, it can lead to the death of one of the partners. There will be many disagreements and fights in a marriage that can lead to divorce.

Bhakut Dosha Astrology in India

Negative Impact of Bhakoot Dosha

Bhakoot Dosha can attract many serious issues in marital life. These problems will not be apparent but will gradually affect a marriage deeply. The person will notice the following impacts

  • They will face financial problems in their marriage. This issue can occur in many ways. For e.g one of the partners being totally dependant on the other, business failing after heavy investment or hard work.
  • There will be problems with begetting children. This can also bring issues like a dissatisfied physical relationship in the marriage.
  • They will face constant disagreements and fights in their relationship which can lead to legal separation.
  • If Bhakoot Dosha comes in combination with another malefic dosha in your horoscope then it can also lead to the death of one partner.

7 ways by which Bhakoot Dosha is cancelled

1. Full score in Tara matching and Nadi matching

When there is a strong Nadi matching and strong Tara matching. For a Bhakoot Dosha to be nullified in this way, there must be a full compatibility score in Nadi matching and Tara matching. This means both the boy and the girl must have benefic Tara.

2. Full score in Vashya matching and Nadi matching

When there exists a strong match in Nadi matching and Vashya matching, Bhakoot dosha is cancelled. The couple should score full points in Vashya matching and Nadi matching.

3. No Gana dosha and proper Graha Maitri

For the Bhakoot dosha to be nullified in this way. There must not exist Gana dosha. So Gana matching must score 5 or 5+ points. And there must be a strong Graha Maitri with 4 or 4+ points.

4. Relationship highly agrees in Navamsa

When a relationship highly agrees in the Navamsa analysis of the couple. And has favourable factors in Rasi chart and Navamsa chart of both the bride and the groom, the Bhakoot dosha is minimised.

5. Rashi or Signs of the same planet

When both the Rashi of the bride and groom have the same planet are the ruler. The Bhakoot dosha loses its strength. Couple Chemistry app in kundli matching actively checks for this major nullification and applies the cancellation before giving you the final Ashtakoot score.

6. Strong Nadi matching, Varna matching and Yoni matching

For the Bhakoot dosha to be nullified this way, there must be full points scored in Nadi matching and Varna matching. And 3 or 3+ points must be scored in Yoni matching.

7. Bhakoot dosha and Nadi dosha should not exist at the same time

There must not be Bhakoot dosha present along with Nadi dosh. This makes it almost impossible for other factors of kundli matching to overcome the shortcoming of both of these doshas at the same time.

Remedies For Bhakoot Dosha

Everybody wants to have a loving and successful married life. But with the presence of Bhakoot dosha, it becomes really tough or nearly impossible to achieve that. Since the effects of this dosha are drastic and extreme, we have to eliminate its ill-effects. A peaceful married life can only be achieved only if bhakoot dosha is not present in the kundli of the married couple. If you or your children are going to get married, you should always check for the presence of this dosha in kundli since it affects slowly and may go unnoticeable at the starting of the married life. But problems will start creeping in as the time passes.

According to astrology, we cannot eliminate bhakoot dosha from our kundli. However, we can adopt several measures provided by expert astrologers to reduce its ill-effects on our lives. With the constant application of several remedies which are performed regularly, we can reduce its effects and make this dosha weak. After this, there won't be any major drastic problem in the life of the couple and if any problem comes, it will only be minor and can easily be overcome.

Reduce Impact of Bhakoot Dosha

When the Lord of Moon sign is similar in both birth charts then the effects of Dosha lessens. For eg: If the combination of Dosha is 12-2 then it can be canceled with the combination pair of Capricorn-Aquarius. Also, if the Bhakoot is 6-8, then it can be canceled with the pair Aries-Scorpio.

One can also perform Puja under the guidance of experts. They should peacefully deal with problems in their marriage and should not take decisions impulsively.

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