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Vastu for Water Resources Astrology in India

Water tanks are important in every house and most houses install tanks random in direction wherever it is suitable. However water tanks have their own place and direction where installation of water resource is consider ideal. Vastu tells some ideal directions to place water resource for better health, wealth and prosperity in house. Water is an important element in Vastu and if its placement is not accordingly then it

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture. It aims to create a perfectly balanced home that adds happiness and positivity to the life of all the residents.

Every utility has a purpose. The use of water tanks and other resources are extremely important in every household. There are reasons why they need to be placed in proper direction. Most houses will need water at every point of the day. Hence you would always find wells in villages placed in a particular location. Their location is decided by priests after understanding the house format and structure. The perfect place for water resources can bring in wealth, health and happiness in the family. You must get in touch with your Vastu expert in case you want to understand the perfect locations of water tanks.

Water is the second most vital component according to Vastu Shastra. Water assets are vital in each house and a large portion of the houses introduce tanks haphazardly in wherever heading according to ease. However water assets ought to have their own place and bearing where establishment of capacity water is viewed as perfect. Vastu lets some know perfect bearings to place water asset for better well-being, riches and thriving. On the off chance that water assets position is uncalled for then it can makes issues for tenants.

some essential Vastu tips for the placement of water tanks.

Vastu Tips for Water Tanks

Everything has to be in the perfect place and position according to Vastu Shastra. This also applies to Water Tanks. Water Tank Vastu plays an important role in deciding the kind of vibes and energies that enter your house.

The Positioning of Water Tanks

Water Tanks can have different effects when placed in different directions and positions. The impact can be both good or bad and is entirely based on the location of the water tank. There are two places where most people keep their water tanks - overhead and underground. As per water tank Vastu, both respond differently to different locations.

Overhead Tank Vastu

Overhead Water tanks are generally placed on the roof of the house. As a result, a lot of weight is exerted on the house. This is the reason why you should strategically locate it in the correct location. Please go through the following overhead water tank Vastu tips, to better position the tank in your home.

Overhead Tank Vastu Tips - Do's

To get the best possible outcomes, the overhead water tank should be located in the southwest or west corner of the house. If those areas are inaccessible, you should place the tank in the south or northwest direction. However, if placed in the northwest, ensure that the size of the tank is as small as it can be. You should also place it a distance of three feet from the northwest corner.

Overhead Tank Vastu Tips - Don'ts

According to overhead water tank Vastu, you should never locate the tank in the northeast corner as it is against Vastu Shastra. Placing the tank in the southeast corner or centre is also not recommended as it can result in loss of wealth and cause accidents.

Vastu for Water Resources Astrology in India

Underground Water Tank Vastu

The underground tank is generally built by digging up the ground under the house. There are specific areas where you can dig up the ground. Make sure you follow underground water tank Vastu before digging a hole to place your tank.

Guidelines For Underground Water Tank Vastu

Before we go ahead, an underground water tank is the one which is dug up in the ground. The Underground water tanks are also required in multi-storied flats and even small colonies. The following are crucial tips for underground water tank Vastu.

  • Place the Underground water tank in the North-East corner of the building or the house. The reason for doing this is because it brings all kinds of happiness, prosperity, knowledge, and wealth according to the underground water tank Vastu.
  • Before digging an Underground tank, draw an axis marking from the North-East to the South-West while both sides left or right are apt for underground water tanks.
  • Always ensure that you don't place the underground water tank Vastu in the South-West area. This will take away both earned income and even the savings of the inhabitants of the house.
  • Similarly, one shouldn't place the Underground water tank in the South-East area. This thereby leads to fire-related problems. It may also result in unwanted fights in the family as per underground water tank Vastu.
  • According to the underground water tank, Vastu avoids tanks made out of plastic. If you were to get one, make sure it is blue or black only.

Significance of Water in Vastu

Water remains as one of the lifelines of existence. The great importance that water wields in the day-to-day lives of the living beings need not be overstressed. The science of Vastu Shastra acknowledges this prime position of water and provides it pride of place in its architectural designs.

Vastu links water directly with prosperity. More the free flow of water in a location more is the fertility and affluence that the people concerned will experience. Vastu also associates water with auspiciousness and hence holds that the presence of water bodies like the river, pond, well, etc. in the auspicious Ishan, that is, to the Northeast of the plot or house will prove highly beneficial for those using the location.

The Ideal Location

Vastu Tips for water resources includes North-east as the ideal location for tanks, wells or other kind of resources. Also you could place one or more tanks in the Northern direction. The Under-water tank needs to be placed at North-east direction. You must also draw an axis depicting north to east and south to west which will create a left and right path for the tank. The Northern direction is considered auspicious in houses and hence it must be left vacant. This vacant space can accommodate water tanks which leave a positive effect. Vastu Tips for water resources also covers ideas for over-head tanks that can be placed in the South-West direction. Avoid placing it in the Southern direction as it can get inauspicious. The perfect position can bring in prosperity, health and peace. Vastu Tips for water resources does cover problems associated with ill-placement. Some of the common problems observed in the family are enmity, death, infertility, children quarreling, sexual problems, loss of wealth. 

Hence, the perfect locations are North, North-east and East. It would be highly advisable if you place or position them in these directions. You could always take help of an expert Vastu priest who would solve major problems. They will be in a position to guide you with locations that will need some kind of change. In case you have already designed your house and are lately observing few problems, it is recommended you show it to a Vastu expert. Vastu Tips for water resources also covers placing taps or pumps at certain locations in villages or fields that can bring in prosperity and balance. It is a matter of time when you see the difference in your financial situation.

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