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Rudraksha Remedies Astrology in India

Rudraksha has mythologically been given a lot of values for its divine personification of Lord Shiva. It is viewed as an element of great religious significance by which you can control ill-effects of malefic planetary and celestial energy. This way you benefit yourself with abundant fortune, peace and success in your career, education or any endeavor of your pursuit in life. The value of Rudraksha is that it contains powerful remedial cure helping you win your enemy and neutralize ill-effects of cosmic energy force. Therefore, any trouble caused by astrological factor related to ill-transit of your planet as indicated in your horoscope will be resolved through appropriate Siddh Rudraksha.

Rudraksha is also considered a prime solution against stress related sufferings. It has potentiality of curing a lot of diseases, including soothing the troubled mind and alleviating the medical condition of your hearts and thyroid. Original and Authentic Rudraksha Beads are basically known for their protective powers, so magnificent by nature that they can cure even fatal disease related to heart or blood pressure. Get Rudraksha and Their Importance in Your Life.

Since rudraksha is a powerful ornament full of energy, weak-hearted people cannot wear it. Even though it is widely known to heal health, mind, body and soul. You need to consult an expert astrologer before wearing it. He or she will examine your birth chart and let you know whether you should wear it or not how and when. So, do not try to wear it on your own, it might leave a negative impact.

Source of Rudraksha

The source of Rudraksha traces back to those mythological books that talk about Rudraksha or holy beads as symbolic of "eyes of Lord Shiva". It is also scientifically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus. Mythology gives essence of the origin of Rudraksha in the tale of Aaghor who was created by Lord Shiva to put an end to notorious demon Tripura Sur. So powerful and intense was the energy force of Aaghor that it temporarily blinded Lord Shiva, who then had to close his eyes to ward off getting dazzled by the light energy of Aaghor. However, it turned the eyes of Shiva teary. Droplet of Shiva's bleary eyes fell on the earth which consequently gave birth to the trees of Rudraksha, as they sprouted everywhere the tear drops of Lord Shiva fell.

How to Wear Rudraksha for Astrological Benefits

  • To wear a rudraksha you need to buy from your money, not someone else money
  • Before wearing any kind of rudraksha you have to get it energised by a sage, priest or an experienced astrologer. There is no use wearing any remedial ornament if it is not energised. It loses its purpose
  • So once you have got it energised, on an auspicious day, you have to get a Pooja done and wear it on the same day as told by the astrologer
  • Avoid wearing it on sensitive events like funerals etc.
  • Do not touch the beads with dirty hands
  • Avoid eating non-veg if you are wearing the beads
  • Always clean the rudraksha and oil it timely to while praying
  • There are many types of rudraksha available in the market, you need to make sure you find the right one according to the Mukhi that is advised to you
  • Do not forget to pray to lord shiva regularly

Benefits of Wearing Rudraksha

  • For those who have sinned in life and see redemption, this is a good stone to wear
  • It nullifies the ill-effect of malefic planets in your birth chart
  • It provides the wearer with energy and power
  • It helps to reduce stress and hypertension and blood pressure
  • It increases concentration and memory
  • It helps to cure all kinds of skin diseases like smallpox
  • It can cure epilepsy and poisoned wounds
  • It makes a protective shield around the wearer to keep them out of negative energies
  • To nomadic people, it provides settlement, stability and support

Rudraksha Remedies Astrology in India

Rudraksha benefit on Zodiac Sign

Wearing a rudraksha according to the zodiac will increase its effectiveness. It will multiply the effect of benefic planets on your life. It gives positivity to the wearer and also reduced anger Mythologically Rudraksha has been given a lot of value, as it helps to treat all kinds of planets and handle their unpredictable behaviour. The remedial cure of Rudraksha is multiple with effective results. It is a powerful remedy that has helped a lot of people treat problems related to zodiac signs, astrological significance and health.

Different types of Rudrakshas and the deities and the planets they are associated with

  • 1 Chandrakar mukhi: It is associated with Sun and very good for sun related remedies.
  • 2 mukhi: It is associated with Moon and is a remedy for Moon related problems.
  • 3 mukhi: It associated with Mars and is prescribed as a remedy for Mars related problems.
  • 4 mukhi: It is prescribed as a remedy for Mercury related problems.
  • 5 mukhi: It is a remedy for Jupiter related problems.
  • 6 mukhi: It is prescribed as a remedy for Venus related problems. It controls low BP.
  • 7 mukhi: It is prescribed as a remedy for Saturn related problems.
  • 8 mukhi: Prescribed as a remedy for Rahu related problems.
  • 9 mukhi: It is prescribed as a remedy for Ketu related problems and Venus related problems.
  • 10 mukhi: It is a good remedy for problems related with Mercury as it is the Rudraksha representing Lord Vishnu, the ruling deity of Mercury.
  • 11 mukhi: It represents the Ekadasa Rudras and is a good remedy for problems related with Mars and Jupiter.
  • 12 mukhi: Mantra: It is prescribed as a remedy for Sun related problems.
  • 13 mukhi: It is a good remedy for all problems related with Mars.
  • 14 mukhi: Mantra: It is prescribed as a remedy for Saturn related problems. A very effective one during the Sadesati.

Method for Retention

  • Persons from any caste can hold the Rudraksh (About Rudraksha), but the Brahmins should chant the spells to hold it. For others, they can hold directly.
  • While holding, one should chant the spell 'Om Nama Shivaya' and put punctum of ashes on the forehead.
  • Without having bath, giving bounty, chanting, worshipping the god, performing atonement, performing Last rites and initiation if anybody holds it, it will be useless.
  • The retention should not be under profanity. It should be retained with devotion.
  • The Rudraksh (About Rudraksha) should be retained by making the beads to a garland by gold or silver strings.
  • The male person should retain the Rudraksh (About Rudraksha) in cross threads, in arms, throat or neck or on the belly.
  • The persons, who are devotee to Lord Shiva, should assume this on arm. The odd numbered beads give more influence and told to be the best.
  • If the Rudraksha (About Rudraksha) is framed in a gold ring, this will bring fortune to him.
  • The person who holds it on head and take bath, it will be as pious as taking bath into the river Ganges.
  • The person who holds the Rudraksha, can be turned rich as a king.
  • If retained, within 40 days the required result comes out but one should have tremendous faith on him.
  • By sitting on a deer skin, facing towards east, if Rudraksh (About Rudraksha) is retained, an unpredictable result and favourable result comes in.
  • By visiting Rudraksha, gives virtues, by touching it gives billion of times virtue. And if it is spelt, it gives crore of times virtue.
  • Phalasya darshane punyan sparshotkotigunam bhavet, Shatkoti gunan punyan dharanna Labhate Nara, Lakshyakoti sahasrani lakshyakotishatani cha, Japachch Labhate nityam natra karya vicharana, To please Lord Shiva Rudraksh bead is said to be is the best.
  • During death, which holds the Rudraksh (About Rudraksha), he definitely goes to Shiva territory.
  • According to Shiva Purana if one holds the Rudraksh (About Rudraksha) on head, he can be benefited thousands of times, if holds in ears, it is ten crore times, on arm 14 times and in wrist it gives salvation.
  • According to the scripture, the person who holds 16 in arms, one in the pigsty tail, on hands 12, on throat 32, on head 40, on each ear one each, on the chest 6 and in this way who holds 108 Rudraksh (About Rudraksha), he achieves a divine power like Rudra.
  • The Rudraksha (About Rudraksha) of jujube size is medium, of gram size is inferior, and gooseberry size is said to be considered to be the best one.
  • There are four types of Rudraksha found. The white are for Brahmins, red is for Kshatriya, yellow is for vaishiya and the black one is for the Shudra as stated in the scripture.
  • The Rudraksha (About Rudraksha) which is solid, oily and thick is considered as the best one. Contrary to this, the pestilence infested, without thorns, and cracked during the making hole is harmful to hold.
  • If the best Rudraksha is rubbed on a touchstone, it will give a mark like the gold gives.

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