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Vedic Remedies Astrology in India

The Vedic remedies are a branch of Vedic Astrology and a science that demands knowledge of both Astrology and Medicine. It takes years for a proper astrologer to acquiring astrological and medical expertise including a complete understanding of anatomy and physiology to qualify a medical astrologer. Vedic remedies include the combination of these 2 sciences to accurately understand diseases and advise clients on the best procedures for regaining health.

Vedic remedies provide a platform to reach for the powers and transform the negative life state. According to Vedic sciences, planets may play a vital role in shaping an individual's life. Each planet has its own role and importance to encompass varied phases of life on Earth. The position of the planets at the time of birth mainly decides their effect on the individual's life. The placement of the planets in a particular house may bring about positivity, while for a few it may cause harmful effects.

The houses in Vedic astrology have natural planets or significations, called karakas, that are the keys to each house and those significations are often the remedies to the situation. Some houses have more than one significator.

Usually malefics in the houses (even in 3, 6, 8, and 12) or malefic associations with the ruler of the house will cause problems or malefic associations with the karaka. Obviously consult a professional astrologer for more specifics. I often favor behavioral remedies that are symbolic connected to the nature of the houses involved. Here are some ideas if you have trouble with the issues outlined in the house articles section. Remember the things that are hard to do are the things you are here on the planet to master. Your talents are your gifts that you give to others and are not there to gratify your ego while your problems and challenges invite you to step off a cliff and do things that are difficult for you. Be brave. You are strong enough to master them.

Remedies For The First House

Stay on top of your health by studying Ayurveda and nutrition. Get more exercise and take a yoga class. Get out there in front of an audience and be seen by joining Toastmasters or getting into a play. Do positive self-talk in the mirror to yourself, praising yourself and all your good qualities before you go to bed at night so it sinks into your subconscious before you go to bed.

Remedies For The Second House

The second is about storage and connected to Jupiter and fat. If you are having family problems, issues with food and substance abuse, or difficulty saving money you have to bring in Jupiter. Find a way to save money every week, no matter how small the amount. Open up 3 major savings accounts: one for retirement, one for 6 months of emergencies, and one for mad money to save the end of the month. Find a way to pay your savings accounts first before you pay any bills or debts.

Seek family counseling or get involved in Hellinger Family constellations or do work on ancestral clearing. Pick up Geneen Roth's Books, When Food Is Love, to get in touch with how eating patterns are connected to family emotions.

Remedies For The Third House

Behaviors need to be balanced out in a positive way. If you have sibling competition issues, you have to confront them and go into group counseling to resolve them. If you lack courage (benefics in the 3rd like Jupiter and Venus), you may need to get into competitive team sports, take up martial arts or go on adventure expeditions. Remember the things that are difficult to do are the things you need to do. Get into debate classes or clubs and work out your aggression in a positive and constructive manner. Stay on top of sexual and aggressive urges using diet and self-awaress of patterns.

Remedies For The Fourth House

Happiness and healing issues with mother is key. If your mother is still alive, then spend time with her, nurture her and take care of her. Practice forgiveness exercise like Honoponopono – "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." Clean your house, throw out clutter, beautify, repair, and honor it. Add a security system to increase safety. Practice cooking in the home and nurture others with your loving cooking.

Remedies For The Fifth House

The fifth house is connected to our enthusiasm and that which we enjoy most to do in life. We have to find a way to expand our joy and support Jupiter. Put malefics like Saturn and Ketu here and the joy of life is squelched. Find your passion and make a commitment to do it. Jupiter likes to expand and be joyful. Take up theatre or dancing; get some spiritual initiations into mantra meditation; play with children or create some. Find a way to let your passion flow.

Remedies For The Sixth House

The sixth requires that we find discipline (Saturn) and find time to exercise (Mars) in order to overcome problems with health and diet. It's not easy and Saturn and Mars are not fun planets by nature but routine, diet, and exercise are important to prevent health problems. Study Ayurveda and nutrition. Find a fun exercise that takes the routine out of the treadmill.

Remedies For The Seventh House

Get into relationship counseling. Learn skills about listening and learning to listen to your spouse rather than talking over them. Study Non-Violent Communication by Martin Rosenberg so that you can learn to actively listen to your partner and kindly communicate back to them. Learn to say "yes" in relationships when your partner wants to do something so you can do something together. Take an art class together, take in dances and concerts together, and do massage with each other to connect by touch.

Vedic Remedies Astrology in India

Remedies For The Eighth House

The 8th house is mystical and beckons you to get initiated into meditation and spiritual practice that can help transcend some of the harsh karma that the 8thhouse can deliver. Take up transformational work that allows deep healing for your soul to discover and transform your deepest issues.

Remedies For The Ninth House

Go on a spiritual pilgrimage to a foreign country or take a meditation retreat. Visit a temple or church for spiritual renewal. Spend more time with your father or heal issues around him if he has passed away. Write a book.

Remedies For The Tenth House

Make sure you are seen and acknowledged at work by going the extra mile in all that you do. Reach out with leadership, support, and acknowledge your co-workers. Praise and work with them in the trenches and it will come back to you. Search for a new job. Take your leadership into community service so you are recognized.

Remedies For The Eleventh House

Join groups and humanity and service work to help others. Find ways to increase your income by getting a second job or starting your own small business on the side. Make a new friend every week and reach out to your own friends to network and share.

Remedies For The Twelfth House

Take a meditation retreat, visit an ashram, or a foreign country. Do service work without expectation for any acknowledgement. Donate to your favorite charities. Surrender when things seem beyond your control and pray to the source of your Divinity. In that surrender, the answers come.

Why Vedic Remedies are required?

  • A horoscope represents the combined energy system of the 9 planets including Rahu & Ketu. Any imbalance of the planetary energy in a chart creates a need for adopting measures to balance out the energy. This, in simple terms is the way Astrological Remedies work to balance out the energy system in your life.
  • We are humans, we make mistakes. We suffer due to our temptations and troubles in this life and even for our past life karma. This comes up in form of negative influences in the horoscope. Certain areas of life being represented by them appear unfulfilled and troubled zones. This can be understood as a negative imbalance in the chart and can be helped by remedies. Remedies can help strengthen or weaken a planet. It's like an expert's prescription based on the diagnosis.
  • Think of Sun. Its energy can be felt through the light and heat but when you are in a closed room, you would be unable to experience it and all you see is darkness. You need to lift the window blinds to let the energy in. In astrological terms, this window blind represents a malefic aspect of other planets over Sun in form of an eclipse, position in enemy sign, debilitation or placement in negative houses like 6th, 8th and 12th. To open those window blinds, you need remedies. Remedies work both ways - they can activate and re energize a weak planet or nullify the impact of a strong malefic planet.

Various Types of Astrological Remedies


Each planet is receptive to a specific gemstone. So gemstones grasp the particular wavelength of Sunlight and from that point transmit these energetic energies to the individual wearing the stone. But the skin and the nerves utilize these brilliant energies and shading to acquire changes for the individual. Afterward, Gemstones are each successful for cures of planets.

Powerful Yantra

Different Yantras had been there for different parts of everyone's life. There are Yantras for planets and gods that decide the job of an individual in the diverse measurement. But Yantras are capable of individuals to be a medicinal measure.


It is a given fact that shiva devotees consider Rudraksha as an auspicious sign. ' Rudra ' is our most beloved and dominant name, and ' Aksh ' means tears. Rudraksha implies Lord Shiva's tears in this way. Therefore, in different appearances of Rudraksha, it sketches health benefits and celestial blessings. Viewed as the type of Shiva-Shakti, Rudrakshas is especially significant for an individual as most suggested Vedic Remedies.


These are ground-breaking in putting away and keep out vitality in order to help the individual adoring the gem or Sphatik things. Made as Shivalinga or Meru or Ganesha and different divinities, so that Sphatik things are medicinal measures for different planets.


Parad things are familiar to acquire inspiration and development in the individual, who loves them with commitment and devotion. These things take off negatives of the planets and help to get development and liveliness.

Mala or Rosary

Malas are a type of sacred pendant that impart positive energies from beyond human affairs. There are various types of mala, which people use for Jaap because it is one of the important methods to keep the brain at the center. It is also an important healing measure.

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