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Rhodonite Astrology in India

Rhodonite is manganese silicate mineral with an opaque transparency. Rhodonite comes in shades that vary from pale pink to deep red. It has a vitreous luster and is composed of other minerals such as calcite, iron, and magnesium. It has a triclinic crystal system and occurs in ores or as rounded crystals. Rhodonite means compassion and love.

An extraordinary stone of the Heart Chakra, Rhodonite shares more than the lovely rose color of its sister stone, Rhodochrosite. While both lay bare the emotional wounds and scars of the past for healing, restoration and reinvigoration, Rhodochrosite focuses on nurturing the inner self and reclaiming all one was meant to be. Rhodonite, richer in color with effects that are deeper and more lasting, takes up the process and empowers one to reach one's full potential, focusing one's gifts and energies outward for the betterment of all. It is a stone of purpose, cooperation and community, altruism and generosity of spirit. It is a talisman to further the "brotherhood of humanity.

Rhodonite is highly recognized as an emotional healer and for bringing one back to center during stressful times. It is a crucial "first aid stone" for calming emotional shock and panic, and provides grounded support during the process of dealing with painful issues. Rhodonite has a strong resonance with forgiveness and giving the soul the love it needs in order to heal. It gently releases self-destructive tendencies, festering resentments and anger, and allows one to see both sides of an issue to reach conciliation. It encourages the love of others, and aligning with the spirituality of the universe in order to recognize one's purpose and how one's gifts and abilities may be used to effect change on Earth.

A powerful healing stone for relationships, the Rhodonite gemstone is a crucial "first aid stone" for calming emotional shock and panic. Itis a beautiful pink color gemstone, sure to make for a stunning piece of jewelry.

Rhodonite is also called a red and pink stone. This stone is an emotional balancer, and a strong healer. Rhodonite is rose pink to dark red in color. It has black dendritic inclusions on the surface. It has often mottled, often flecked with black and small tumbled shape. It is composed of manganese silicate and is a member of the pyroxenoid group. A grayish brown variety of Rhodonite, which contains 20% calcium oxide, is known as bustamite. It has a hardness of 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale.

Rhodonite word has come from the Greek dictionary "rhodon", which means rose color. It is a very attractive gemstone, so it is highly useful in jewelry and ornament making. In the year 1979, it was declared as the official gemstone of Massachusetts.

Determining Rhodonite Gemstone Value

Rhodonite color: This is soft pink to red in color. It has smooth surface and very less amount of black inclusions are present. Rhodonite clarity and luster: It is generally transparent to opaque. Transparent stone is very rarely found. Black inclusions on the surface are present due to manganese oxide. When polished, it exhibits a vitreous luster. Rhodonite cut and shape: It is typically cut on cabochon or carved. It is found in a natural way. It is not heated or enhanced.

Types of Rhodonite

Rhodonite exists in various types, with each stone representing a different meaning and providing a unique healing power. While the fundamental emotional healing aspect is present in every Rhodonite, it's vital to look for the one which grants you the required healing properties when it comes to buying.

Madagascar Rhodonite

This traces its origin to Madagascar and is composed of a deep-pinkish shade. Madagascar Rhodonite contains the healing aspects of empathy and provides the wearer with a sense of being grounded.

Pyroxmangite Rhodonite

Considered a unique type of Rhodonite, they contain particular chakras apart from the normal ones present in all Rhodonites. Pyroxmangite contains healing properties to treat addictions and pain. It is beneficial for a person wanting to get free from addiction.

Banded Rhodonite

They're the most common type of Rhodonite available in the market. They come in various shades, such as pink, white, and brown. Banded Rhodonite is primarily helpful for couples. It is believed to improve the love life and promote a healthy relationship.

Rhodonite Willemite

They have a unique appearance with a pale pink tone filled with black symmetrical impressions. Rhodonite Willemite is most popularly used as a feng shui and believed to remove any presence of bad omen from homes.

Salmon Rhodonite

One of the most popular types of Rhodonite, it has a deep pinkish shade. Salmon Rhodonite contains black webs embedded. One of the primary benefits of Salmon Rhodonite is for people looking to have a fresh start in life. From past trauma to bad decisions, clinging to the past is not helpful for personal growth. Salmon Rhodonite helps move on from the past and promotes a restart of life without any past inhibitions.

Black Rhodonite

As the name suggests, when the Rhodonite stone primarily consists of black shades, it is called Black Rhodonite. It is believed to work as an armor of protection to ward off evil spirits. Black Rhodonite helps restore fortune and eliminate any evil presence for people suffering from a phase of bad luck.

Rhodonite Astrology in India

Who Should Wear Rhodonite?

As believed from Russian history, Rhodonite is a stone primarily used in dealing with emotional distress. Considered as a symbol of protection, Rhodonite helps in dealing with emotional troubles. Often people engage in self-destruction tendencies, and Rhodonite acts as a reflective stone. It helps one in dealing with trauma and letting go of the past. Usually, it's the past and the experiences which hold one back. Rhodonite acts as a facilitator in helping accept past traumas and starting afresh. Rhodonite acts in curbing down the feelings of jealousy and envy. It promotes the philosophy of brotherhood wherein the actions of other humans aren't viewed with envy but rather looked upon with empathy as humans share the same blood.

It is particularly useful for one suffering or having suffered from a mental breakdown. Many reasons lead to a mental breakdown, yet what is essential is healing from it. Rhodonite helps in processing emotions and treat the distress from the root cause. Another vital aspect of Rhodonite is for couples. For couples having relationship difficulties like fights, lack of trust, Rhodonite works as a healer and improves the bond. It promotes trust and restores the original loving bond between a husband and wife. Feng Shui is an element for a peaceful home or office life. Rhodonite has the properties of feng shui and removes any negativity from homes or offices.

Thus, Rhodonite and its healing properties are helpful for everyone. Emotional distress is a common problem faced by everyone in this stress-filled life. Often due to lack of time, emotional problems are repressed. Those problems reappear in lives at a later stage, causing more problems. Rhodonite balances the chakras in the body and promotes a healthy healing emotional state which aims to eliminate any distress in life.

The Exclusive Benefits of Rhodonite

Rhodonite, which promotes empathy and emotional healing, provides a wide range of benefits. Though specific types of Rhodonites contain extra or unique benefits, the most common uses of Rhodonite stones are


Stress-filled lives and a selfish need to compete have reduced empathy in humans. Without realizing that all humans share the same blood, it becomes a competition to put others down. Rhodonite in ancient times symbolized brotherhood. Similarly, in present times, Rhodonite promotes empathy and love for others.

Emotional Stability

There's a wide fluctuation of emotions that typically happen. Rhodonite helps in emotional stability. When emotions are observed rather than reacted, it promotes more stability. Emotional stability helps a great deal in day-to-day life.


Primarily used by couples, Rhodonite improves the love life of couples and helps solve any misunderstandings, which leads to happy and flourishing relationships.

Healing Trauma

One of the reasons for emotional distress in life is the inability to heal from past trauma. The first step in healing from past trauma is acceptance. Rhodonite helps one become better aware of the trauma and works as a facilitator in letting go of the past.


Rhodonites helps in promoting energy and channelizes the body's energy into productive spheres. People suffering from a lack of energy or direction will benefit from Rhodonite's unique healing capabilities of an energetic soul and body.

Physical Development

Rhodonite is not just used for emotional development. It facilitates physical growth, especially of bones, and helps cure many ailments.

Healing Power

Helps us express confidence and lovingness on physical plane in day to day ways. Calms and feeds the soul through the heart.Very good for speech and hearing problems. This stone may engender balance through strength of will. As a "karma" stone, it may also accelerate the inevitable consequences of cause and effect. Rhodonite raises self worth and helps ward off negativity. It has been known as a "Rescue Stone". Rhodonite soothes the nervous system.This is a balance gemstone and is used to clear the psychic centers.

Legend of Rhodonites

The Russians of earlier years were known for their rhodonite carvings. The sarcophagus of the Russian emperor Alexander II (1818-1881) was carved from a single block of Rhodonite.

Occurence of Rhodonites

Russia, Australia, Langban, Sweden, Brazil, Massachusetts, Sussex County, New Jersey,Colorado, California, and throughout the Rocky mountains.

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