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Leo Compatibility Astrology in India

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac (July 22 to August 23), and it's represented by the lion. A fixed fire sign ruled by the sun, Leo (called Simha in Vedic astrology) has energy that is glamorous, courageous, and bold. Here, we'll dive into the personality traits of Leo and explore how this sign approaches life, love, career, and more.

Leos tend to be full of primal, creative energy. This is a sign that embodies the fire that lives within us all. Leo's ruler, the sun, teaches us all we need to know about this bright sign: In astrology, the sun symbolizes the fuel, energy, and vital life force that powers all the other planets. Whereas the moon illuminates only some things, the sun shines upon everything—giving us life and light in the process. The sign of Leo wants to see and be seen, just like the sun that rules it, which is why Leo is associated with visibility, attention, courage, generosity, and creative impulses.

Leo's symbol, the lion, is equally telling: Lions are the kings of the jungle, known for their fierce courage and natural regality. It's all about attention-the giving and receiving of light and energy-for this zodiac sign.

Qualities Make a Good Match for a Leo

Leos appreciate these three traits in all their relationships, whether it's for love, friendship, or work.

  • Enthusiasm - Leos are all in with everything they do. This sign is spilling over with passion, and if you're similarly enthusiastic, you'll get on famously with Leos. Exuberant Leos not only love their own hobbies and interests, they'll also get behind all of your interests 100%. So make sure you have something you're enthusiastic about because Leos will love to hear about it.
  • Flexibility - Leos like to take charge and be the one making decisions, so it helps if the person they're with is more of a go-with-the-flow type. A Leo can also get suddenly caught up in a great idea, and if you aren't down to suddenly check out a new show on the other side of town that a Leo just heard about, they may see you as dull or disloyal (even if you just wanted to chill at home that night). Being open to Leo's ideas will help relationships go more smoothly.
  • Kindness - Is there any sign more big-hearted than Leo? They would give you the shirt off their backs if you needed it, and they always make time for the people they care about. Signs similarly known for kindness, like Cancer or Aquarius, get along well with Leos because each makes an effort to meet the other's needs. Those who are more focused on themselves, or more independent, can often strike Leos as selfish and uncaring.
  • Aries Symbol: The ram
  • Aries Ruling Planet: Mars
  • Aries Ruling House: First house of beginnings and identity
  • Aries Twelfth House Sign: Pisces
  • Aries Birthstone: Diamond

Qualities Make a Bad Match for a Leo

It's also important to know what traits hurt Leo zodiac compatibility. Any of the three qualities below can damage your relationship with a Leo.

  • Bossiness - There can only be one leader, and as far as Leos are concerned, it should always be them. They try not to boss others around too much, but when a Leo is with another natural-born leader (such as Aries or Aquarius) there can be a lot of standoffs. If both suggest a different place to grab dinner? Get ready for a long argument (which Leos will probably win). Leo's famous stubbornness doesn't help them here either, as they can often dig their heels in, even if they realize the other person made a better suggestion or that it really would be more fair if someone else got to make a decision for a change.
  • Laziness - If a Leo sets a goal, they aren't going to stop until it's accomplished. This sign is known for being incredibly determined and having a strong work ethic. This means Leos can be baffled by signs that set grandiose dreams but don't follow through with them, or those who have a long to-do list but would rather watch some TV or go out with friends instead. If this is you, don't expect any sympathy from Leos when you complain about how much work you need to do. Leos already have their work done.
  • Perfectionism - Leos appreciate quality, but they also don't take criticism well, even if it's constructive criticism. Leos tend to enthusiastically throw themselves into a project, rather than take a methodical, detail-orientated route. When signs that prize perfectionism, like Virgo and Capricorn, point out mistakes that were made (even if it's done in a kind way), Leo's stubbornness and self-confidence will get in the way, and they won't react well. Leos do better with others who similarly value passion over perfectionism.
  • Perfectionism - Leos appreciate quality, but they also don't take criticism well, even if it's constructive criticism. Leos tend to enthusiastically throw themselves into a project, rather than take a methodical, detail-orientated route. When signs that prize perfectionism, like Virgo and Capricorn, point out mistakes that were made (even if it's done in a kind way), Leo's stubbornness and self-confidence will get in the way, and they won't react well. Leos do better with others who similarly value passion over perfectionism.

Leo Compatibility Astrology in India

Leo Compatibility Chart

Who are Leos compatible with? Leos get on well with most people, but some signs are more naturally compatible with Leos than others. This Leo zodiac sign compatibility chart gives a quick overview of how compatible Leos are with different signs in several areas, including overall compatibility. Each is ranked either high, medium, or low. In the next section, we go over in more detail different Leo compatibility pairings.

  Communication Love Friendship Overall Leo Compatibility
Aquarius High Medium Medium Medium
Pisces Medium Low Low Low
Aries High High Medium High
Taurus High Medium Medium Medium
Gemini Medium High Medium High
Cancer Low Medium Medium Medium
Leo Medium Medium High Medium
Virgo Medium Medium High Medium
Libra Medium High High High
Scorpio Low Medium Low Low
Sagittarius High High Medium High
Capricorn Medium Low Low Low

Leo Compatibility Pairings

These pairings are ranked from Leo most compatible signs to least compatible signs.

Best Leo Compatible Signs

The signs below are each high-ranking Leo compatible signs. If you're a Leo, expect to get along especially well with these signs.

Leo and Aries: Leo Most Compatible Sign

Leo and Aries are both fire signs, and their combination of intense passion and high-achievement is a recipe for success. These bold individuals make a strong duo, juggling an array of responsibilities and interests. However, since both signs crave the spotlight, it's important that each makes an effort to celebrate the other's individual victories and avoid competing.

Leo and Gemini

Leos and Geminis are known for having intense, passionate relationships. Both signs value passion and excitement with the person they love, and they're an excellent match for each other. Both signs are also extremely outgoing, and they love finding new activities to do. Geminis can be commitment-phobic, but if they find the right Leo, they'll be willing to settle down.

Leo and Sagittarius

This pair is on fire (literally, both are fixed fire signs). They bring so much passion and intensity to relationships that it can often overcome Sagittarius' reluctance to commit. Both signs are honest and caring, and if Leo starts to get too bossy, Sagittarius will do their own thing for a while until they come back together and the fire is relit.

Leo and Libra

At first glance, Leos and Libras may not seem to have much in common, but this pair really brings out the best in each other. Libras love Leos' confidence and honesty, while Leos are drawn to Libras' style and charm. Together, they are often the life of the party and love to be in the thick of social scenes. The combination of Libra's air type and Leo's fire type also creates passionate relationships where both partners work to make the other happy.

Average Leo Compatible Signs

Leo compatibility can go either way with these pairings. It really depends on the effort Leo and the other sign put into the relationship.

Leo and Aquarius

Aquarius and Leo are an example of two opposite signs getting along pretty well. Leos want to be the center of attention, and Aquarians love giving attention to others. Additionally, both signs love being around people, and they'll thrive at parties or other large gatherings when they're together. But these signs have to be careful that in being around people, they aren't neglecting each other. Leo is susceptible to jealousy and can initiate petty fights in response to Aquarius's breezy, unconcerned attitude toward their relationship.

Leo and Leo

What happens when two Leos are together? Mostly good things! A pair of Leos will have some conflict over who gets to make decisions, and they can get rather stubborn and full of themselves. However, Leos love being with the people they care about, and whether as friends or as a couple, they'll be generous, fun-loving, and full of positive energy together.

Leo and Cancer

Cancer and Leo have about average compatibility. Both are extremely generous with others, but Cancers can find Leos to be arrogant and selfish, and Leos can see Cancers as moody and vengeful. Fortunately, their innate kindness usually allows this pair to figure out where the other is coming from, and most large fights are avoided.

Leo and Virgo

There can be a lot of attraction here initially, with wallflower Virgos attracted to Leos' big personalities. In turn, Leos often appreciate the calm, steady influence Virgos bring with them. However, these two opposites tend to grate on each other in the long term, especially after the initial attraction fades. Virgos, who are often perfectionists, can get frustrated when Leos don't do things their way (the best way), and Leos can come to see Virgos as both too cold and too boring to really hold their interest.

Leo and Taurus

Taureans are initially attracted to Leo's passion and enthusiasm, and the beginning stages of a relationship or friendship between this pair are often red hot. Ultimately though, Leos' intense emotions and frenetic energy can disrupt Taurus' inner harmony. A main draw for these big personalities is passionate physical attraction, but that may be the only thing holding Taurus and Leo together. Additionally, both have a flair for dramatics, and if a Leo and Taurus can't figure out how to have healthy arguments, the relationship can start to implode.

Weakest Leo Compatible Signs

Extra effort is needed when Leos pair with the signs below. That doesn't mean these sign pairings can never get along; they just need to recognize and work through their differences to reach a high level of compatibility with Leos.

Leo and Capricorn

These two aren't prone to arguments, but there just isn't a lot of spark in this pairing. Both are hardworking and stubborn, which can work for or against them. Their main trouble comes when a Leo and Capricorn try to form a relationship. Both are committed partners, but Leos are full of passion, where Capricorns are more reserved and can be somewhat stiff.

Leo and Pisces

As you might imagine, this fire and water sign basically douse each other out. Both are generous, but they communicate in different ways. Pisces see Leos are overbearing and loud, while Leos think Pisces can be cry babies and need to learn to stand up for themselves.

Leo and Scorpio

This pair is like two ships passing in the night: they just view the world differently. Leos are self-confident and upfront, and Scorpios are more guarded and secretive. It takes a lot of work for each sign to see where the other is coming from. However, both can be stubborn, so it can take a while for someone to make the first move towards a healthy relationship.

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