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Freedom from Court Cases Astrology in India

Legal issues are becoming common in these days. Many times unfortunately some innocent persons also trapped in legal cases. In spite of doing many pooja, anusthaan, rituals it is sometimes not possible to come out of the litigation So the question is that why it is sometimes not possible to overcome from the judicial proceedings safely? why it is not possible to live a smooth life.

If you have gone through any court case or you have seen someone has gone/ going through court cases then only you will understand properly how hazardous it is. Whether the case is of Supreme court, high court, the district court, family courts or any other. Practical experience doesn't need any introduction.

Astrology can show us the way to find out whether we have any court case yoga in our horoscope or not, and at last, Tantra can lead us to the remedial part of which in turn can give us relief. In this article, I have mentioned both. So, without wasting any time let's start.

Houses Of Court Cases Or Legal issues In Horoscope Or Kundli – Vedic Astrology are

  • 1st House & Court Cases In Vedic Astrology: You, yourself
  • 6th House & Court Cases In Vedic Astrology: In Vedic astrology, the 6th house and its lord shows the court cases or legal disputes. If 6th house or its lord is afflicted and connected somehow with Lagna or Lagna lord then the possibility of court cases will arise.
  • 7th House & Court Cases In Horoscope: It represents opponents and agreements, any kind of negotiations with your opponent in any court case matter.
  • 8th House & Court Cases In Birth Chart: This house of long term obstacles and sudden difficulties deals with the type of punishments the native will get.
  • 12th house & Court Cases In Kundli: 12th house represents the final outcome of punishment imprisonment/ fine or both. For example: If Lagna lord is weak, afflicted or placed in dusthana houses (6th, 8th, 12th) then the yoga may lead to imprisonment/ fine or both if a court case is already going on.

Courts are generally the last resort for natives when all other options have failed and all chances of reaching an agreement vanish. The trouble with courts cases are many times the culprits go free due to lack of evidence or some other reason while the innocents suffer.

Sometimes the courts may take their own sweet time to punish those who are guilty. Astrology can help decipher the possibility of court case in a native's life and whether verdict can come in native's favor or not.

Court cases are physically demanding and mentally exhausting. Especially in a democracy where human rights are valued. When there is a need to analyze the outcome of a court case at that time study of two houses is suggested.

  • Seventh House deals with contracts, agreements, negotiations and marriage.
  • Eight House which deals with despair, divorce and court-cases.

Freedom from Court Cases Astrology in India

Planets Responsible For Court Cases Or Law Issues/ Matters are

  • Saturn & Court Cases In Vedic Astrology: It delays court cases and creates misunderstands between parties. It causes or takes the native through extreme stress and misery during court cases
  • Rahu & Court Cases In Horoscope: Makes any matter complex, whether it is marriage, love relationships, career-related things, etc. doesn't matter.
  • Ketu & Court Cases In Birth Chart: it makes you lose money via funding or fine in court case matters. F badly afflicted and connected with 8th house then can give death sentence too
  • Mars & Court Cases In Kundli: If badly influenced then Judgement would be prompt and normally will go against the native and connection of afflicted 8th, 12th house can lead to a death sentence without a proper hearing.

Only one planet or house doesn't indicate court cases at all. It needs a whole bunch of connections including Nakshatra and their lords. So just by seeing one aspect in the chart don't conclude anything. Don't spread fear.

The affliction of planet Sun (represents Soul) and Moon (represents mind) in the birth chart gives huge tension during court cases. If there is a Rahu-Sun or Rahu-Moon yoga in the chart then the situation becomes worse.

Relief From Court Cases and Your Horoscope

  • Winning of the court case: In this case, the 11th house plays a very important role. If the 11th house is strong in the horoscope and connected with the court case related planetary combination then the person will win the case at last.
  • Settlement outside the court: In some cases, I have seen that two parties settle their matter outside the court. When both parties understand that they are fighting for nothing or something other, then both of them come for settlement. This is one kind of relief. This happens due to the connection of the 7th house or its lord and the presence of Jupiter/ Venus. But remember, planets should be the lords of a good house.

Remedies For Court Cases Or Legal Issues In Horoscope

Legal procedure has its own way and advocates or lawyers they know that very well.  But when it comes to remedies for court cases according to the occult procedure then we need to take the help of "Dasa-Mahavidya Tantra" here.

Among all Dasa-Mahavidya Shakti (Power/Force) "Ma Bagalamukhi" is the main feminine energy (Devi Shakti) we need to take the blessings of that force. There are many types of applications mentioned in the 'Brihat-Tantrasara' and 'Bagalmukhi Tantram' to get relief from 'Raj-danda' (Punishment given by king).

When these tantra Shastras (scriptures) were written, actually in those days kings used to give punishment. That is the reason those are called 'Raj-danda' (Punishment given by king). In our present scenario, we can apply it to court cases.

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