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Planetary Reason for Buying House in India

All of us have a desire to buy own house and stay in this house, but it is not necessary that everyone will get such happiness. One day a husband-wife comes to my office and said. I have been living in a rented house for years. I'm fed up in the rental house. I have been trying to purchase my dream house for the last four years but didn't a success for some reason. Can you predict when I will buy own house? Now you tell me by analyzing horoscope whether I will be able to buy own house and live in it. I reply yes it is possible to predict when you will get own house.

There are many planetary combinations available in Vedic astrology which determines the properties of the native. The 4th and 2nd house is the main house in every individual horoscope to judge the immovable and movable property of a native. The fourth house is the house of property, vehicle, mother, home life, conveyances, self and ancestral properties, general happiness, and some more things but primarily it is the house of assets.

Every individual in this world aspires to own a house or a piece of property. This indeed becomes the topmost priority in many people's life goals but the reality hits right in the face when one venture out in the real world to look out for one! There are some who acquire ancestral property, whilst some are stuck pining for a home their entire life. Born in luxury could mean that one is blessed with a home, however, there are people who need to work hard to acquire it by themselves and struggle to have a property in their name. The Planets in houses exert a great deal of energy in the house in which they are physically located in the birth chart, thus denoting and mapping our future.

Planets Responsible for Buying Property in Kundali

The Planets In Astrology that determine the following prospects with regards to your property are:

  • The 4th and 2nd house is the main house in every individual horoscope to judge the immovable and movable property of a native.
  • The fourth house is the house of property, vehicle, home life, conveyances, self and ancestral properties, general happiness, but primarily it is the house of assets, however, Saturn is the planet that gives old houses and agriculture land.
  • Plante Venus is the significator of flats and commercial property.
  • Second House: It denotes the house of wealth in every individual's birth chart. It is also a fact that without proper planning no one can purchase any property. So it is necessary to see the promise of 2nd house in the birth chart.
  • Fourth House: This is the house of any type of property, Bandhu-bandhav, happiness, and vehicles. Thus, the state of the house should be judged correctly to assess for the landed properties in the life of the native with respect to planets posited in it.
  • Eleventh House: This is the main house of gains and fulfillment of desires. This is the house that decides whether you will be having the happiness of own house or not.
  • If the ruler of the 4th house happens to be there in 6th, 8th or 12th houses affecting the ruler of the Lagna, then the native might lose his/her property due to governmental action.
  • If the Lord of the 4th house sits in the 8th house in an afflicted condition, the native might lose his property. If the ruler of the 4th house occurs with the sun and is in a debilitated condition, the individual might lose his house due to the intervention of the government.

Planetary Reason for Buying House in India

One can take a Vastu consultancy in order to live a happy and prosperous life ahead. It is widely acknowledged that right Vastu guidance can bring good luck to you and bless you with affluence & wealth in life. Vastu's Consultation by a Vastu Expert regarding a house or property maintains economic growth and helps to make the environment positive, and clears all the obstacles coming in the way of the growth.

The right time to buy your own house or property

The placement of the planets located in the horoscope of the zodiac determines whether the native will have a home or not. But when a person will buy his house, it can be determined only on the basis of the main period or sub-period, also known as Maha Dasha & Antar Dasha of planets in Kundali. The period or sub-period of 4th lord, 2nd lord, 11th or 9th and 10th lord is able to give a house or property to the native.

There are so many conditions to sell the property in astrology when it comes to knowing the right time to Buy/Sell Property as per planets in Kundali.

Various texts give a lot of techniques to know the possibility to have their own house as well as property. Auspicious planets which are situated in the fourth house give home an early age but the malefic planets get benevolent at middle age.

Planets is responsible for buying Property

  • Mars: Mars is the significator for immovable properties. If Mars placed as an exalted, own house or friendly house it means that the Mars big house to the native. Mars is the significator of land our ancient sage say BHUMIPUTRA also.
  • Saturn: Saturn is the planet which gives old houses and agriculture land.
  • Venus: Venus is the significator of flats and commercial property.

Houses are Responsible for Buying Home

Ascendant: This is the house which signifies the physical disposition of the native.
Second House: This is the house of wealth in every individual birth chart. It is also a fact that without wealth no one can purchase any property. So it is necessary to see the promise of 2nd house in the birth chart. Fourth House: This is the house of any type of property, Bandhu-bandhav, happiness and vehicles. Thus the condition of this house should be judged properly to assess for the landed properties in the life of the native. Eleventh House: This is the main house of gains and fulfilment of desires. This is the house which decides whether you will be having the happiness of own house or not

Astrological Combination for Buying Own House

  • If the ascended lord aspect 4th lord or 4th lord aspect ascendant lord then the person will buy own house in his /her life.
  • If the 4th house and its lord aspect by the ascendant lord or any two benefic lords then the person purchases own house.
  • If the fourth house lord placed in second house and aspect by 5th,9th or 10th lord then the native possess many houses.
  • If there are benefit planets placed in the fourth house and lord of ascendant aspect fourth lord then the native lives in own house.
  • If the fourth house lord is conjoined with Mars or Saturn or Venus then also native may be blessed with a house.
  • If the fourth house lord and is ascendant lord conjoined and placed in benefic houses then the native may possess many houses.
  • If the 4th house lord is placed in the navanasha of its own or is exalted the native gets the comfort of owning land, conveyance, house etc.
  • Planets which are exalted, own house or friendly sign in the fourth house or any benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus etc situated then the person enjoy own house.
  • If the fourth house lord is placed in the quadrant, triangle, own or friends house, or it is in the sign of exaltation in navansha or lagan chart or both the native will possess own house.
  • If the fourth house or its lord make any good yoga like Gajkeshri yoga, Shasha yoga, Bhadra yoga, Mahabhagy yoga, Chandra-Mangal yoga, wealth yoga in 4th house then the person purchases a good property.
  • The Kendra or trikon house lord has connected with the fourth house or its lord then the person posses own house.
  • If the fourth house lord placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house but ascendant lord or Jupiter aspect on 4th house or its lord then the native will buy own house with own efforts.
  • If the 7th house lord placed in 4th house and ascendant aspect to fourth house lord then the person buy own house.
  • Auspicious planets which are situated in the fourth house give home an early age but the malefic planets give middle age.

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