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Flirt Tarot Astrology in India

The jaws too have a link with personality. A jaw that lacks flesh shows that the person has a strong personality. But a square jaw indicates reflects courage and short temper. People with a protruding jaw are likely to be greedy.

A person with a sharp jaw may be selfish and those with a sharp as well as small jaw are probably eager to be praised by others. In case the jaw is round in shape and protruding the person may display determination, wisdom and farsightedness. Their self-confidence will be reflected in simple and attractive behaviour.

A round-shaped jaw suggests an interest in entrepreneurship. Those with a long and square jaw are likely to be competent in financial affairs. In case these people have small and closed lips, they may show no kindness towards others.

On the other hand, a square jaw with cleft may mean that the person is brave and short-tempered. A double jaw and large cheeks indicate an optimistic personality and love for good food.

Whereas your chin reveals the nature of your physical strength, your jaw determines your stamina and endurance and the way in which you express your strength. The stronger your jawline, the greater your endurance. The best jawline is one that and balances the rest of the face and its features without dominating that harmony between the facial shape and features themselves.

Where balance is a little out – even then – don't be rash in your conclusions. The following will guide you in an assessment of the meaning of the jawline. An ideal jaw is in perfect ratio to the rest of your face. The bones should be strong but not overly prominent. Most readers prefer a "roundish" jaw, but some "squaring" is useful in endowing more strength and self-sufficiency if it's found.

It is generally believed that, the broad, round and plump chin is a symbol of wealth. The short, extremely jutting, pointed or fleshy chin with scar, wrinkle or bad mole is regarded as the worst.

  • Short Chin: People with short chin are very introverted and emotional. Sometimes, they are extreme, tactless and unenduring, so it's hard for them to accomplish something and they may suffer from loneliness in old age.
  • Long Chin: The long chin belongs to those who are righteous, patient, persistent, emotional, loyal and popular. People with long chin are blessed, enjoy longevity and play the role of good marriage partner. Since they are very devoted in love, they are easily upset and get hurt seriously once betrayed. Therefore, they are recommended to choose a lover in peaceful mind. Those with overly long chin are suspicious, scheming and lonely in old age.
  • Double Chin And Round Chin: Double chin suggests the well-off life and comfortable twilight years. Round chin indicates the amenity of life and many rich ladies have this kind of chin.
  • Double Chin: In terms of physiognomy, double chin presents wealth and it belongs to the enduring, generous and well-educated people who often get help from others, have good interpersonal relationship, enjoy high prestige and command universal respect. At the same time, they tend to have sweet love, gentle and soft personality, and happy later life. For women, the plump double chin indicates the good luck and support to husband while for men, it indicates the good luck for wealth.
  • Round Chin: Round chin belongs to the lucky people who enjoy sweet love. If the chin is round and wide, it will be even better. This kind of people is gentle, optimistic, seemingly silly yet delicate in love. They are kind-hearted and have filial children, thus can enjoy the happy later years. Women of round chin are family-oriented while men are loyal to love and make great achievements in career. However, they should beware of being deceived because of innocence.

Flirt Tarot Astrology in India

Types of JAWLINE

Broad Jawline

Your square, broad and notably strong jaw line is associated with your powerful will. You have strong grit and determination and this means that you don't give up even under immense pressure or dissuasion by those you live and work with.

Your broad chin shows the world you're a straightforward, hard-working individual who places much importance on integrity. You like to work honestly and share the fruits of your action with those around you and by the same token expect the same integrity in the way people deal with you. You're very steadfast in your relationships and your love and will always be there to support your marriage partner, if and when you finally decide to commit yourself.

By falling into this category of a broad jaw, your main area of self-improvement ought to be focused on your emotional expression. Feelings, or at least their demonstration, may not be all that easy for you in the first part of life. Communicating your own emotional needs or listening to the needs of your partner are the specific areas that will help you grow spiritually. Your richness of spirit is something that others love to explore with you and the more you practise communication the easier it will become and thus later in your life will be something you can be proud of.

Narrow Jawline

Your tapering jaw line implies a more pointed chin which means you're always assisted by friends and co-workers in achieving your goals, and strangely, even without your request. This is because you'll always be popular with people and seem to make a great impact just at the right time. This may not be quite as satisfying for you later in life and may even forecast some steady decline in your health due to a loss of stability and strength. Because of this, you may find your successes don't fully satisfy you after all the effort you've put in.

Because your jaw also indicates strength and determination, yet tapers to a somewhat pointed shape, can indicate your authority and assertiveness are lacking and need energising. You'll need to work on presenting your views and taking charge of your life in a slightly more forceful manner. Until you address these issues you could be quite a frustrate individual and may not find the happiness in your personal relationships that you potentially could.

Tapering Jawline

Your tapering jaw line implies a more pointed chin which means you're always assisted by friends and co-workers in achieving your goals, and strangely, even without your request. This is because you'll always be popular with people and seem to make a great impact just at the right time. This may not be quite as satisfying for you later in life and may even forecast some steady decline in your health due to a loss of stability and strength.

Because of this, you may find your successes don't fully satisfy you after all the effort you've put in. Because your jaw also indicates strength and determination, yet tapers to a somewhat pointed shape, can indicate your authority and assertiveness are lacking and need energising. You'll need to work on presenting your views and taking charge of your life in a slightly more forceful manner. Until you address these issues you could be quite a frustrate individual and may not find the happiness in your personal relationships that you potentially could.

Disproportionately Large Jawline

Your disproportionately large jaw line indicates your relentless pursuit of an objective to your own detriment at times. You have an inflexible and almost impossible attitude when it comes to compromising. On this note your emotional communication also needs to be worked on so that you can share your feelings but by the same token listen to what others have to say as they may be able to provide you with certain tools that you lack emotionally speaking.

You come across to others as a demanding and aggressive person from time to time and part of your difficulty is that you haven't yet learned to delegate some of the authority to those around you. This will only serve to create enemies and retaliation from the very peers you are trying to dominate and control. There are some positive attributes and these include your hard-working nature and very strong loyalty in friendship.

Other characteristics include firmness, stability, a practical nature and the ability to get the job done. Just don't let your perseverance blind you to any obvious failures that may be lurking around the corner. Simply take your blinkers off and learn to take some timely advice from others who are well-meaning.

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