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Career in Foreign Settlement Astrology in India

Foreign settlement in Career astrology studiy is one of the the many requirement in career path of a person. Career is the most important aspect of anyone's life. If a career is excellent and smooth, it also shapes a personal life of an individual. Career astrology looks into the aspect of the type of career in foreign, growth of career, and changes in the career. We provide an accurate and confidential report on your career and progress in foreign. We also provide the remedies and gemstones which will help you to progress in the career path.

There are numerous factors in the chart which shed light on the unique configuration of your career path. In the birth chart 50% of the houses in the chart and 30% combinations of planetary positions aspects one career growth. Through career astrology, you can choose the appropriate stream which suits you to go forward in your professional life. Career astrology services will help you to analyse the perfect choice and growth in your career.

Foreign Travel is a dream which most of the Young Indians have. But there are only few fortunate for whom this dream come true. Let us try to understand the combinations of Foreign Travel in Astrology. In Now a days due to Technology Boom in India many of the Engineers or Doctors are going to abroad for short duration say 1-2 years. But there are few persons who does not return to country and settle abroad. So we will also see the combinations of foreign settlement in Astrology. If you have wondered what is the best planet for foreign travel in astrology or Best Yoga for going abroad read it till the end.

There are numerous principles given in the Astrological texts for this but here we will discuss only the most effective and important astrological principles for Travel abroad. So lets see what are planetary combination or Yogas in Kundli that takes a person away from homeland or own country.

Career in Foreign Settlement Astrology in India

Signs which are Most important for Foreign Settlement in Astrology

Signs are of thee types as per their activity-Chara rashi or Movable sign, Sthira Rashi or Fixed Sign and Dual Sign or common Sign.

Chara Rashi or Movable sign-Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn Sthira Rashi or Fixed Sign-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Dual Sign-Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

For considering foreign Travel in Astrology Chara Rashi or Movable signas are of Prime importance. Movable Sign means-the changing tendency is high in these signs. So when Planets are placed in these signs, they give a changing tendency to the native like changing of residence, changing of job, changing of country etc.

Sthira Rashi or fixed Signs are not helpful in regards to Foreign settlement in astrology. Planets in these signs gives a tendency to stick to particular place. So those who have more planets in Fixed signs, they do not change their residence or job too much. Going abroad means change of country or change of residence. So planets in fixed sign blocks the chances of going abroad.

Common Sign or dual Sign can give short term foreign travel. Like if you have multiple planets in Dual sign you may go to abroad frequently but for very short duration may be like one month.

The signs are further divided according to quality or Tatwa of the Rashi. They are -Fiery sign, Earthy Sign, Airy Sign and watery Sign.

  • Fiery Sign-Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
  • Earthy Sign-Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
  • Airy Sign-Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
  • Watery Sign-Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Watery Signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are specially Very important for Traveling Abroad. For going to foreign countries we need to cross seas. So watery signs are so much important.Cancer is both Movable and Watery sign. More over it is the natural 4th house of the zodiac. So it has special importance for foreign travel in astrology.

Planets Like Rahu, Moon, Saturn, venus in watery Sign are good indication of Foreign Travel.

Planets that are important for Foreign settlement in Astrology

There are four main planets which helps a person to travel abroad or going out of own country-Rahu/Ketu, Moon, Saturn, Venus. We have to see these 4 planets and their dignities and connection with proper houses in Horoscope for going abroad.

Rahu is the Most important planet for travel abroad. If Rahu is well placed, it can give Foreign Travel in its Dasha. It can give foreign things but it can not guarantee satisfaction. When Rahu is conjunct with 7th lord, 8th lord, 9th lord or 12th lord, it can indicate foreign travel in astrology. Rahu in Lagna or 7th can also give travel abroad.

Moon being the natural 4th Lord, Moon is also equally important when judging Foreign settlement in astrology. According to classics when Moon is placed in Kendra(1,4,7,10) the person can travel a lot within country as well as outside of country. Moon in Watery sign specially when conjunct with Rahu can give foreign travel in astrology. Moon in 8th, 9th or 12th, specially exalted Moon in 12th can indicate foreign settlement in astrology.

Sun also plays interesting Role. Sun represents royalty. It bring native in contact with dignities. When Sun is placed in the 5th house from Ascendant, it is a helpful disposition for Diplomats and traveling abroad.

If Mercury is placed in 4th, the individual changes his residence frequently and travel lot of places. The result will be more prominent if Mercury is placed in Movable signs.

We have to see Few Nakshatras also like Ashwini Nakshatra, Bharani Nakshatra, Ardra nakshatra, Swati Nakshatra, Pussya Nakshatra, Hasta Nakshatra etc while judging the foreign travel in astrology. Moon or Rahu in these Nakshatra will increase the chance of going abroad.

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