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Pranic Healing Astrology in India

Pranic Healing is a system of energy that is highly evolved and tested, it was developed by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui. It utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. Prana is a Sanskrit word that means life-force. This invisible bio-energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health.Pranic Energy Practitioners use Prana, Chi, Ki or simple "Energy" to facilitate the Balancing or "Healing" of one's physical, emotional and mental bodies without even touching the physical body.

This technology comes from a basic concept that Energy or Prana, may be used to rebalance & normalize the flow of Energy within the human body and it may be directed to assist in nearly any area of a person's life.

In other words, it normalizes the energy of the body, so that the body functions normally. "The general Principles of Pranic Healing rest on the fact that Prana may be transferred or transmitted from one person to another, in many ways. The usual method, and the most effective way, is to use the hands and make passes over the sick person, and at the same time directing a current of Prana to the affected part."

In the modern era of ever changing trends and technologies, we have forgotten our initial abilities and are directly depend on other. One of the most common concerns nowadays in this life is pain and stress due to diligence. Our youth just wants to remove that stress and pain in no time so he prefers to take medicines for instant relief by omitting about his own self-healing abilities. Yes, self-healing ability which is termed as pranic healing that teaches its user to boost, control and direct the prana for their own individual health and energetic benefit.

Step 1

Clearing the negative emotions (such as Negative emotions, fears, anxieties, traumatic memories and phobias) and limiting beliefs as they are the pebble in the way of your procedure and health.

Step 2

Pranic breathing is the step to influence the control over breathing to supply of Prana to the affected parts. This technique should have to perform in a rhythmic manner to increase the value of mental healing, magnetic healing, health healing etc.

Step 3

Energy manipulation is the third step for pranic healing which allows the ones body to have the smooth flow of prana by performing several specific hand movements to eliminate dirty or congested prana.

Step 4

Energetic hygiene is the technique where salt is used as an active cleansing agent for charging or clean the practitioner's body through spiritual regulation, nutritional suggestions or particular bodily workout and complete wellness.

Step 5

The fifth one is the foremost acknowledged practice of meditation which assists an individual body to increase the flow of prana and calming the mind health and wellness.

Step 6

The final step is of performing the Tibetan Yogic Exercises and the modified Mentalphysics Exercises which was modified by the Grandmaster Choa in a simple manner by which anyone can execute it without any hassle.

Pranic Healing Astrology in India

Principles Behind Pranic Science

The fundamental principles of Pranic Healing are Principle of Self- Recovery – The innate ability of every living being to heal itself Principle of Life Force - Healing process can be accelerated by increasing the pranic life force of the individual

Some Benefits Of Pranic Healing

In cases of fever, parents can bring down the temperature of their children in just a few hours Coughs and colds can usually be alleviated in a day Major illnesses such as eye, liver, kidney, and heart problems can be partially or substantially relieved in a few sessions Improved health and increased stamina, Inner peace and happiness. Better memory and concentration, Rapid spiritual growth, Reduced stress. Better interpersonal skills, Greater self-esteem, Attain the ability to attract good luck and become more prosperous.

The Essence Of Prana

What is the fundamental difference between a living and dead person? Both people have a body, a set of organs and billions of cells. What differentiates them is an 'unseen' force that gives one person the awareness and consciousness to experience living while causing the other person ro experience a permanent black-out.

Call it Breath of Life or Vitality of the Soul, Prana is the life sustaining force found within the body of every living thing. Without Prana, we cease to exist as "living beings".

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui explains: "Life Energy or Prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy"

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