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Change and Promotion in jobs Astrology

Success and failure in astrology depend on the position of the planet in your horoscope. If planets are placed in favorable houses then you will get positive results. If your planets are favorable but you do not work according to the nature of the planets then the result will not be favorable. If the position of the planets is adverse, even after that you work hard, the result will not be favorable.

You are not getting a promotion in job many times, which becomes a reason for your job change. It is a great idea to think about a job change when you get better pay, and the present Job is stressful. The new job offers better work when you want some unique challenges, or you are no longer passionate about the field you are working in. But understand one thing very unique: that a change in job may involve change of location & interaction with people of different nature & values. Location and place of work as it has very significant value in your work success. Hence, one must be very careful before deciding on job change due to no-promotion or pay-packet lower than your expectation.

Importance of period and sub-period in promotion

Periods and sub-periods of the respective planets are most important in jobs and promotions. If the favorable period of the native is going on in the horoscope, then you can expect good results. If you are looking for a job and the 10th house lord period or sub-period is going on, then you will definitely get the job. Likewise, when the 2nd. 9th and 10th house lord period or sub-period are going on, you can expect a promotion in the job.

Role of Transit in promotion

The role of transit planets in prediction is a very important point. We all know that the planets move continuously on a certain path. According to astrology, you will get a promotion only when both period and transit are ready to give auspicious results.

For example – if a person's horoscope is having a period of 2, 9, or 10 house lord. At the time of transiting, the lord of this house aspect his house or is situated in his own house, then the native will get the promotion.

Here I am giving some astrological combinations for promotion and prosperity. This combination will help in the analysis of a birth chart.

Astrological Remedies for Job Promotion

Given below are some very effective remedies to get promotion in job. Follow the below mentioned astrological solutions that promise quick results in getting job promotion. If you are thinking "will I get promotion this year", these astrology remedies can be great help:

  • On every Saturday, offer boiled rice to cow as it will pacify Saturn which rules the professional life of the native.
  • If Saturn is the obstruction in your promotion then take sesame oil and after seeing your face it in, give it to the poor.
  • If Moon is affecting your job then add gangajal to raw milk and offer it on the Shivlinga.
  • In case Sun is affecting your promotion then you should feed cows, prefer cows which are black or yellow.
  • In case Ketu is affecting your promotion then you should feed bread with application of oil on it to black coloured dog.
  • If Mars is interfering with your promotion then you must wear a silver bracelet and also respect elderly women in your family.
  • For those who are not getting promoted because of Mercury must donate silver jewelry.
  • Those who are facing hindrance from Jupiter in their promotion must feed cow with jaggery and gram.
  • If Venus is not letting your promotion happen then you must offer respect to others. Don't forget to touch the feet of your mother when you leave the house for work.
  • All those whose promotion is hindered by Rahu must offer flour to ants. You can even feed fish with balls made using flour.

Some important astrological combination for promotion in Job

  • According to astrology, one should see the second (wealth) 9th (luck and prosperity) 10th house (profession), and 11th house (income) for promotion in job or business.
  • When relations are made with the 2nd, 9th, 10th, and 11th house and its lord then you get a chance for promotion. The 10th house is the house of profession, so this house is the most important house for promotion, job, and career.
  • The natives get promotions during the period or sub-period of the planets when forming a relationship with the lords of the 10th and 11th houses. , if any auspicious planet passes through the 11th house or triangle house then it is auspicious.
  • If 10th or 11th lord are exalted in D1, D9 or D10 chart and period or sub-period has been started and also form a relationship with 2nd, 9th, 10th or 11th house then you will get promotion in the job or in business.
  • The exalted ascendant or 10th lord period is going on then a person will succeed in their life. If these periods form a relationship with the 11th and 9th house lord then his income will increase through promotion.
  • If period or sub-period lord is transiting with related house or aspect then the result will come positive. The native period is favorable and the transits are not favorable then the result will not come positive so both period and transits are the most important thing.
  • We should also see double Gonchar transits on the related house these transits are favorable then the result will come surely.
  • Pada Lagna is also important for the promotion in the job. If the 10th Lord from the pada lagan period or transits is favorable then the result will come positive.

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