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The confinements of Chitra Nakshatra begins from 23.20 degrees in Kanya or Virgo zodiac and goes till 6.40 degrees in Tula or Libra zodiac in the enclosure of Viswakarma deity which is ruled by planet Mars. The expression of this land of enormous attributes includes a gem on a serpent's crest or the serpent's gem.

This is the enclosure of all beauty, fantasies, imaginations and creativity which makes everything around look beautiful, colorful and gorgeous. This is the arena of artists which adorns and embellish simple things into unique appearances and so on enhances the worth of everything they touch with their hearts. It's the blend of knowledge and strength of mind and emotions and trueness of heart.

Natives born in Chitra Nakshatra in Astrology are physical and sensual aesthetics of beauty, wanting to beautify, working with cosmetics, well educated, analytical, have a strong perceptive ability, are intuitive, communicative, possess a gift of narration and oratory skills, sociable, friendly, love to socialize with others, approaching others often, and becoming the centre of attention in situations.

Chitra Nakshatra in astrology is one of the Tiryaka Mukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths curved). In these Nakshatras, things related to roads, dams, the expansion of metals, chariots, boats, etc., can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Chitra Nakshatra Characteristics in Male Natives

The Chitra Nakshatra born male native is extremely intelligent and loves to be in a peaceful environment. However, if he sees a chance to gain any personal benefit, he will never miss the opportunity. He is intuitive and ahead of his time, so that when he makes a suggestion or proffers an idea, it may seem to be gibberish at first, but eventually, people realise that it is his ideas that almost always prevail. This native would make an astute astrologer because of his strong intuition. Sometimes it is also seen that the dreams of the Chitra Nakshatra born male native are coming to fruition, and people are so amazed that they confer a godly quality on him.

Chitra Nakshatra Male: Profession and Related Areas

The Chitra Nakshatra born male native is very hard-working and can overcome any obstacles he may face in his formative years. However, up to the age of 32, he will continue to face obstacles, but from 33 to 54 he will be on velvet. An uncommon quality of this native is that he gets rewards from unexpected quarters and that too without striving too much. He may earn good money as a sculptor, mechanic, factory labour, or even as a grassroots worker in politics.

Chitra Nakshatra Male: Compatibility and Family Life

The native of the Chitra Nakshatra is very compatible with his siblings and parents, but at the same time, he is suspicious by nature and therefore suspects their activities without any reason. This native does not normally enjoy conjugal life. Though the relationship will be stable, there will be frequent friction with his spouse. It is to his credit that all through life he shoulders a lot of responsibilities and yet gets criticized for them without complaining.

Chitra Nakshatra Male: Health and Well-Being

Problems of the kidney and bladder, brain fever, abdominal worms and tumours may cause problems to the native of this Nakshatra.

Chitra Nakshatra Characteristics in Female Natives

Too much craving for freedom, and somewhat of a forward behaviour keep creating problems for her. She is a proud native of this Nakshatra but has little merit to back it up. She may have very few friends and indulges in too many sinful activities.

Chitra Nakshatra Female: Profession and Related Areas

The female native of the Chitra Nakshatra is usually a science student and later becomes a nurse. However, she may also develop a liking for becoming an actress or a model, especially if she is good-looking. If she is from a modest background, she may have to work in the field of agriculture.

Chitra Nakshatra Female: Compatibility and Family Life

If the horoscope of a female native of the Chitra Nakshatra is not matched properly with that of her would-be husband, there are strong chances of her spouse dying, or she may have a divorce, or she may not at all be sexually compatible with her spouse. She can also remain without issue, but many of these problems can be rectified by resorting to astrological remedies after consulting a renowned astrologer. This was an overview for you when it comes to Chitra Nakshatra. Now, before we move towards the predictions, here are all the Dates for Chitra Nakshatra in 2022.

Commercial Complex Astrology in India

Chitra Nakshatra Padas

  • Chitra Nakshatra 1st Pada: The first pada of the Leo Navamsa, governed by the Sun, concentrates on understanding the inner self and trying to put things in practice in real life. The pride of this native needs to be controlled for self-expression to be positive and devoid of selfishness.
  • Chitra Nakshatra 2nd Pada: The second pada in the Virgo Navamsa is governed by Mercury, and the focus here is on learning discrimination, self-discipline, and taking part in group activities. It has been observed that ambitions usually come to fruition in this pada.
  • Chitra Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada of this Chitra Nakshatra falls in the Libra Navamsa and is governed by Venus. The focus is on music, arts and the exotic sciences. It is also likely to incur unnecessary expenses and the undoing of good work.
  • Chitra Nakshatra 4th Pada: The fourth pada of this Nakshatra comes in the Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. There is an excess of energy here which is used to pursue all kinds of ambitions and even flimsy goals. A conscious effort has to be made to channelize the energy in a positive manner.

2022 Career and Business Horoscope For Chitra Nakshatra

This year 2022 tells you to have patience as you may need to wait a bit longer for appraisal or promotion in your job. You may need to shed your shyness and hesitation regarding your job profile or position. You may need to gather the courage to request your authority for good perks if you deserve to be the right candidate. If you may face any work-related challenges at your workstation, it is better to seek help from your seniors or consult the responsible authority for the resolution. Especially, the middle months of the year seem to be the best period for you to raise concerns related to your work and seek solutions for the same.

If you follow the instructions, it may be fruitful for you as you may be rewarded during the last months of the year. You may receive a good salary hike or an excellent promotion offer.

Regarding the business matters, this year seems to be in your favour. Even though you may need to work hard at the start of the year, you may achieve your targets and business goals with your arduous work and sincere efforts. Without a doubt, you may cherish the results by the mid part of the year, and luckily, your business might catch up on the success track.

Terribly, some people may feel envious and jealous of your business growth, especially during the latter part of the year and may even harm your business in an indirect way. Therefore, it is crucial that you be a bit more careful about your business. And, do not give authority to anyone to interfere in your business decisions. In a nutshell, this year may help your business to grow and prosper abundantly.

2022 Love and Relationship Horoscope for Chitra Nakshatra

This year 2022, pertaining to the relationship aspect, is likely to bring in various challenges for you. Therefore, you may need to balance your emotions at the most. Despite your best efforts in fulfilling your family responsibilities, some of your family members may still not be happy and may blame you for something you may not be aware of. No doubt, this may certainly build up tension in the home atmosphere, further hampering the family relationships. This may happen around the middle of the year, and you may come out clear by clarifying all their charges, in spite of the fact that the beginning of the new year may be on good terms.

Despite these challenges and tension among the family members, you may garner a cordial relationship with your siblings and friends strengthening the bondage. With the year 2022 moving towards the last months, you may have the full support and help from the elderly of your family members. This may bring in some relief, remove the tension in the home atmosphere and help to improve the situation.

When it comes to married life, this year is full of love and bliss as it may lead you to a happy and enriching life. However, the struggles of the family may impact your married relationship. Therefore, you may need to deal with the family members of your life partner quite carefully.

Additionally, in order to blossom your married life, you may have to buy grandiose gifts for your soul mate. For singles in love, this year 2022 may be highly beneficial for their love life. With romance in the air this year, your love may bloom like a cherry blossom, especially during the first half of the year. You may enjoy long drives, walks in the woods, or cherish the dinner dates. Furthermore, situations seem to normalise through the mid of the year, and you may move ahead in your life during the latter part of the year. With the year blessing lots of love, your relationship may be adorned with the badge of a marriage.

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