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Education Astrology in India

Education or Vidya is perhaps one of the most important thing in our life. All the parents are curious to know about the education of their child. So let's see how we can know about the prospect of education from a birth chart.

Astrology is the only subject in the world, which can make an advance prediction about the educational aspect of the child including the branch to be selected. Before discussing combination for good education, we must understand which planets and which houses plays key role in this.

Education is one such aspect that is crucial for every being. With the help of one's individual birth chart, the determination of education becomes a lot more easier. Education of a person can be seen from the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 9th house. In order to judge the kind and level of education of the native, it is necessary to understand the significance and lords of these houses in a birth chart.

Also, planets play a crucial role in ascertaining the education prospect of a person. Mercury and Jupiter are benefic planets that promote education, whereas Rahu, Mars and Saturn are malefic planets that lead to a lack of education.

2nd House and Education in Astrology

The 2nd house shows the primary level or early-stage education of a native. It denotes the early childhood development and learning of the native, usually from kindergarten to the 8th standard. If any weak or debilitated planet is positioned in this house, then the native is likely to face difficulties and complications in his developmental stages.

The 2nd house is also a determinant of the speaking ability of the native. If there is an influence of any malefic planet, it can deteriorate the speech and communicative abilities of the native, and he might be involved in harsh speech. Having planets like Mercury, Venus, Sun and Jupiter would yield a positive influence, and the native will be well versed in scriptures or be a public speaker.

4th House and Education in Astrology

The 4th house determines the emotional sensitivity and ability towards learning, comprehending the content, and it shows the strength and stability of an individual to grasp anything.

Any malefic influence on the 4th house makes it hard for the person to comprehend things while studying, and if Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are present in the 4th house, then they bring a difficult time during high school. The placement of planets like Venus and Mercury in the 4th house and Sun and Saturn in the 10th house gives the person great interest in government and politics.

5th House and Education in Astrology

The 5th house is another crucial house to study in the birth chart to denote an individual's education. It is the basic house of education that indicates how much the native will be educated and till what level and whether or not he will pass the high school education. The 5th house of the native's horoscope can portray a lack of education that may occur when planets like Saturn and Rahu are either sitting or aspecting the 5th house unless positive planets like Jupiter, Mercury or Moon are sitting here.

Even though Venus is a favourable planet, however, it takes away the native's interest in education and inclines him more towards the media industry when placed in this position. Another noteworthy fact is that any planet sitting in the 11th house directly impacts the 5th house as it now aspects it. Hence, any malefic planet aspecting the 5th house from the 11th house makes a person struggle greatly in education or gives late education.

Education Astrology in India

9th House and Education in Astrology

The 9th house is the determinant of the higher education and higher learning of a native after graduation, like the post-graduation degrees like MBA and PhD. To predict the certainty and success of higher education, it is necessary to look at the condition of the 9th house and the position of the lord of the 9th house.

If there is influence of malefic planets like Rahu and Saturn in the 9th house, whether they are placed or aspecting it, then there is the possibility of lack or delay in the post-grad education.

Since the 3rd house is directly opposite to the 9th house, the planet sitting there will have a direct impact on higher education. So, when Jupiter is in the 3rd house, it can negate the malefic effect of Saturn or Rahu sitting in the 9th house and make a person achieve higher education.

Important planets in Astrology for education

Jupiter, Mercury, Moon-these 3 are most important planet while judging education.

Jupiter is the planet of knowledge and wisdom. It helps us to assimilate the knowledge we gather from various sources like Book, Teacher etc. Without the help of Jupiter we cannot acquire knowledge and cannot achieve significant success in education. That is why Jupiter has been given the ruler ship of Sagittarius which is the 9th house of natural Zodiac.

Mercury is the planet of quick intelligence. It gives quick grasping power. So without the help of Mercury, it will be difficult to get success in the learning process. Moon is the Significator of mind. For getting success in study, concentration is very important. We need a focused approach and high level of concentration for a good education. Only Moon can provide this.

Jupiter is the Wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. Mercury is the grasping power. Mercury process the wisdom or knowledge of Jupiter and moon helps in digesting that knowledge. So these three planets must be strong for a good education. The strength of Jupiter, Mercury and moon plays a vital role here.

Prediction of Education through Astrology

  • During the time of Education prediction through Astrology, we have to see the strength of house, strength of house lord and the strength of the Significators. If all of them are powerless then the result will be negative.
  • Malefic planets should not be in 4th house or aspect 4th house or 4th house should not be in papakartari yoga.
  • 4th lord should not be posited in 6-8-12 or debilitated or afflicted for a good education.
  • Mercury and Jupiter should not be weak or afflicted.
  • If 4th house is having relation with strong Jupiter or Venus or mercury, good education is promised.
  • Relation between 4th lord and 5th lord is also very good for education. Here relation means aspect, conjunction or exchange of house.
  • Jupiter in Ascendant or Lagna is very Good for Education. Jupiter-Mercury and Venus in Kendra or Trikona is Highly Auspicious and Creates Saraswati Yoga. This Yoga is very good and indicates Success in education and also Good fortune.
  • 4th lord in 4th house aspected or conjunct with Jupiter, Venus or mercury is good for education.
  • If 4th lord is exalted and in relation with Jupiter, Venus and mercury then also it is good.
  • Conjunction/ aspect/ exchange of 4th and 5th lord. If 9th lord also joins, it becomes excellent

Combination To Study Medical Field

For Becoming a Doctor, you have to be a Good Student. So your chart must have a Strong Jupiter and Mercury. Apart from this, Moon and Sun are another Two Important planets for becoming Doctor. If the native is having combination of disease 1, 6, 8, 12 with that of good houses of education he can pursue medical profession.

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