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Aries Compatibility Astrology in India

Each year, Aries season begins between approximately March 21 and April 19. If your birthday falls between these dates, that makes you an Aries! As the fiery, energetic, and assertive first sign of the zodiac, Aries are an unstoppable force that have the power to bring passion, action, and courage to any situation. Better buckle up when there's an Aries in the driver's seat, because you'll be in for a wild, unpredictable ride.

"Aries is the untamed wildfire of the zodiac whose energy resembles the flame of a newly lit match: While it burns fast and bright, the spark, energy, and creativity of Aries can burn out just as quickly as it is ignited [if they don't pace themselves]," Aries-born astrologer Alexandria Lettman tells Bustle. "Aries is bold, opinionated, magnetizing, aggressively passionate, and does everything with a sense of urgency — but nothing can compare to the tremendous amount of self-love and optimism that Aries energy carries."

Even if Aries isn't a big influence in your astrological birth chart, here's everything you must know about the Aries zodiac sign traits, and why its fierce and fiery energy is a force to be reckoned with.

Aries Zodiac Sign Facts

  • Aries Season Dates: March 21 to April 19
  • Aries Element: Fire
  • Aries Modality: Cardinal
  • Aries Symbol: The ram
  • Aries Ruling Planet: Mars
  • Aries Ruling House: First house of beginnings and identity
  • Aries Twelfth House Sign: Pisces
  • Aries Birthstone: Diamond

Aries Personality Traits

Aries is symbolized by the headstrong ram, which makes sense given their assertive-to-the-point-of-foolhardy nature. Aries' ruling planet in astrology is Mars, the warrior planet, which explains why this sign tends to be so fearless and competitive. Aries is a cardinal sign, which speaks to why they can bring so much excitement and energy to new beginnings. And it's no surprise to learn that Aries' element in astrology is fire, given their hot tempers and blazing reserves of energy.

As the first sign of the zodiac, leadership is a major Aries theme. They have a natural confidence and come off as highly energetic to others, even when they're feeling sluggish. Aries radiate bravery and independence and will either intimidate people with their ultra-spirited opinions, or draw others in with their powerful presence. These fireballs aren't afraid to carry the torch and be in charge, and they excel when it comes to channeling passions into action.

The natural boldness of Aries energy helps to bring out the fiercest and most forward version of everyone around them. Aries people are kickass at taking initiative and getting things done. They tend to be impatient and action-oriented, so they don't spend much time worrying about the consequences of their actions or stressing about what other people think. Instead, they speak their minds openly and act on a whim, which is part of what makes them exciting to be around. But it could benefit Aries to bite their tongues every once in a while, as not everyone can handle their upfront attitude and spitfire style of doing things — especially sensitive water signs or slow-moving earth signs.

Aries are likely to stumble over the fine line between assertiveness and aggression when their emotional sparks turn into an explosion. They are uninhibited with their emotions, and when they feel something, they aren't afraid to show it. If an Aries has something on their mind, they'd rather deal with it immediately rather than let it fester. Being so straightforward with their feelings allows the people around them to appreciate their realness.

Aries Compatibility Astrology in India

Aries Compatibility

Aries' romantic traits all speak to their fiery and fast-paced nature: they're courageous, zealous, confident, and unafraid to make the first move. Aries can be some of the best lovers and friends of the zodiac: They'll be your biggest cheerleader and bravest defender all wrapped up into one red-hot package.

Aries Compatibility In Friendship

Aries are active and expressive, meaning a friendship with them will be full of fun activities, laughter, and high-energy adventures. They have a natural ability to attract many acquaintances due to their attractive energy and enthusiasm, so hanging out in group settings is equally as important as letting certain people in on a more personal level. Sociable air signs Gemini and Aquarius are very compatible in friendship with Aries, as they are spontaneous and creative enough to keep up with Aries people's fast-changing hobbies and interests.

Aries Compatibility In Love

To make a relationship work, Aries need a romantic partner with thick skin who can roll with their spontaneity and hot temper. Aries are likely to seek out relationships where they can offer up their honest opinions in an unfiltered way and take the lead with setting plans. Philosophical Sagittarians are most likely to let Aries take the reins and appreciate the excitement that they bring to the table. This fiery duo would be a great match as Sagittarians would enjoy being treated by someone so fiercely loyal, and Aries would admire Sagittarians freedom seeking and future-oriented energy.

Aries Compatibility In Bed

Aries are wildly passionate and value attraction and sexual chemistry in their partnerships. In the bedroom, Aries people need lovers who can keep up with them and introduce them to new sex positions to keep things exciting. While their impulsivity in love can cause them to pick a fight, they're also fans of hot and steamy make-up sex, making fire signs Leo and Sagittarius a perfect match for them in the bedroom. In the heat of passion, both Leo and Sagittarius are equally as unrestrained as Aries, allowing them to release their pent-up tensions and keep each other satisfied.

What Zodiac Signs Are Best Compatible With Aries

Setting the zodiac calendar rolling, Aries are the pioneers among all the signs. They like to take the lead in whatever they do. Their ruling planet is Mars, which makes them outgoing, determined and bubbling with energy. Naturally innocent and honest, the Aries compatibility is quite good with most signs unless treated in a hostile way. One of the drawbacks in the Aries compatibility chart is that they are very impatient, but fortunately they forgive and forget easily.

Aries Are Most Compatible With: Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo

As far as Aries compatibility is concerned, this sign is most compatible with Gemini, Sagittarius and Leo. The Aries natives' compatibility with Gemini will be dynamic and full of energy. There will never be a dull moment in their relationship, as per Aries best compatibility. Aries and Gemini, both known for mutual trust and desire for deep knowledge, will get on like a house on fire. As far as sex goes, Aries love compatibility is quite high, and the Rams will lead from the front, while the Gemini native will want to experiment new techniques to please their partner as much as possible.

The Aries compatibility with Sagittarius is another passionate one, where the high energies of both signs meet and both signs can get into a tug-of-war as to which sign is more energetic. Fun, frolic and new discoveries are guaranteed. In the bedroom, they can match each other move for move.

The Aries compatibility is another combination made in heaven, so long as they learn to share the credits they get. The Aries love compatibility with Leo can be very passionate when it comes to lovemaking.

Aries Are Least Incompatible With: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus

The Aries compatibility is least with the following signs: Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Aries horoscope compatibility with Virgo is not so good they always want to lead, while Virgo natives are obsessed with finding flaws and criticizing. Even their bedroom chemistry is different as Aries are bold and direct, while Virgos like to indulge in a lot of foreplay. This Aries Virgo relationship can work only if both are patient and willing to work on it.

The Aries compatibility is among the least with Capricorn as it is not a very good match for them. Both have leadership qualities but their styles conflict. As per the Aries zodiac compatibility they may also scrap over money because Aries natives tend to blow money and the Capricorn native tends to be tight-fisted.

With Taurus, the Aries compatibility is also so low that the pair is not too thick, but very thin and flimsy, easy to be torn asunder at any moment. Differences arise almost from the word go, as Aries natives start off with guns firing on all cylinders, while the Taurus sun sign native likes to have things slow and easy. Both money and bedroom play can be bones of contention, as the approach of both to both is diametrically opposite.

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