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Energy Therapies Astrology in India

We treat you through a unique combination of Distant Therapies while you get diagnosed and healed without going through the unnecessary hassles of time taking investigations, consumption of unwanted medication, surgical interventions, visits to Hospitals and Doctors. The process does not involve any physical contact between the healer and the patient who might sit anywhere in the World ,getting effectively treated at the same time.

The modus - operandi involves a powerful and unique combination of Medical Astrology, use of Astro-based Homeo Remedies, and transfer of Energy through Reiki and Radionic Waves using Radiesthesia-a soothing, harmless methodology together with the activating of the KUNDALINI and the charging of the Chakrasand the Body Organs leading to instantaneous relief from not only Past Life related Chronic ailments but ailments of the weak organs due to any factor.

We have dedicated years to intensive research of Horoscopes from the health and medical viewpoint and also to developing a Software to diagnose the possible ailments of the patient-both present and hidden; identifying any Past Life related ailments, the person might be suffering from. Many of such ailments are chronic (which cannot be cured by medicines) but can be cured by Energizing the inherent weak body organs through Radiesthesia even from a long distance. This is Telepathic healing wherein it is found possible to transfer energy to the ailing person's related organs from any Distance via "Skype" or telephonically-i.e. untouched by Hands and curing a person while sitting anywhere in the World.The study of another wonderful science-Homeopathy, since 1960 has further resulted in linking Homeo remedies with Astrology.We can call it the 6th Sense Technology-The Future of Health Care.

Both pain and pleasure are karmic imprints on the body, they are not a part of your body and neither are they a part of your Soul. Some karma adhere strongly and some weakly, that's about it. Always remember that these karma are adhering to your bodies, they are not a part of 'you'.

Another typical thing, as you get more used to seeing your astral self, or do more Dhyan you will see into more layers of yourself. The outermost physical body is solid, everyone can see it. Some of you might have trained yourself to see your aura which is a reflection of your sookshma-sharir/subtle body, this will have some color depending on your emotional, physical and mental state at that moment. As you go deeper you will also sense your causal body/karan sharir. Whenever I see my this inner most body it is always a pure white layer. So if you see such layers of colors, do not get confused, you are just seeing yourself more deeply.

Chakra Healing

This is how you clean and energize your every individual chakra.

In your darkened room, preferably on your asan, in a yogic posture with your hands in the gnyan mudra (just as you would do to sit for doing Dhyan). Or if this is too much, sit as you feel comfortable. Just keep your head, neck and back aligned, do not slouch. (If you are a woman in your 5 days cycle or if pregnant, do not sit on your asan, sit somewhere else.)

Close your eyes. Call on your source of faith. Focus at the third eye chakra/ ajnya chakra, tell your mind to still itself, take a few deep breaths, recite your mantra etc for a few minutes. The Ajnya is always the focus chakra, you will always work through it.

Then 'look' internally at the lowest Muladhar chakra at the lowest tip of your spine where your legs join your body. You will see a reddish color here. With time you will see a reddish lotus like figure with four petals. Visualise pouring brilliant red light and flooding this region with its red energy. A light, transparent, rich, beautiful red color. As beautiful as you can visualise it. Visualise the 'petals' of the lotus getting longer, bigger, stronger, more vibrant as the red light washes over it. If you see any dirt, murkiness, brown/black stuff sticking here, clean it out. 'Wash' out this lotus in the red light. Spend some time admiring the beauty of this lotus, feel happy about everything here. With time you will also feel the whirring of the energy vertex here, it will be in the clockwise direction for men and women always. (Only in women, just for the 5-days of the cycle it will be anti-clockwise. Your chakras going anti-clockwise indicate physical destruction occurring in the body.) As you increase your focus, you will also sense the nadi-s from the chakra moving out from the chakra to the concerned organs. As this chakra controls the sense of smell you might briefly experience the 'essence' of smell-sense while you are focussed here. You might briefly sense a 'solidity' here. Take about 2 mins over this chakra. Infuse joy in every action you perform in your energy work.

Energy Therapies Astrology in India

Specific organ healing

If you are suffering from some medical condition, you can direct a flow of silvery-golden light to this body part. Even if you are quite healthy, there might be some small injury to your body maybe a sprain or a backache or your eyes may feel tired after staring at the computer screens through out the day? Try this. Visualise your back covered with a golden-silvery healing cocoon. 'Wash' your back with this shimmery light, try to feel it covered with golden silvery pearly sort of a radiance. While doing the healing, you might see specks of darkness/ greyness in your back. So if you have a very good control over your mind then you can try this visualisation. Imagine two glowing magnetic orbs on the front and back of your body. Visualise that these orbs are now attracting the grey/black negativity. Their magnetic pull is pulling the grey specks out of the back into themselves. Now send these orbs as far away from you as you can and visualise a beautiful golden fire consuming them. If you do this regularly, just for 2 mins, your back will ache less with time.

Then if you ever get caught in an emergency situation, eg an accident or surgery etc, and you are in intense pain. You cannot focus your mind. So first visualise an envelope of a beautiful transparent emerald green light covering your entire body. This will reduce the pain faster, so that your mind will soon be able to recover and focus on the healing. Then focus your mind on the damaged body part and intend healing as above. As always contact a medical professional after you do your SOS with the energy.

The washing cycle

Clean out your entire body with the power of your mind and intention. Literally wash it out. This is how you do it. Visualise half a glass of pure water in your hand. (eg Ganga water or any other pure spring water). Now top up the glass with silvery-gold shimmery energy. Mix the water and the energy in the glass. Visualise the water and the energy mixing completely and you have a glass full of highly pure water charged with a high level of shimmery energy. Visualise yourself drinking this water/energy. See it entering your stomach, intestines, liver, entering your blood, the organs in your abdomen, ovary/testes, pancreas, adrenals, your chest, your lungs, your neck, thyroid, head, hands, feet etc. Visualise it entering the important endocrine glands etc. Visualise that it cleans out the organs and removes all the negative material, toxic influences, foreign stuff etc. When it finishes this clean-up intend that the energy-water moves out through the kidneys and the bowel.

The Importance of Healing Challenges

Positive energies are helpful to understand, but it's in working through challenges that we can find the most empowerment in Astrology. Planets and placements in your chart like Black Moon Lilith, Chiron, Saturn, Nodes of the moon, and Pluto, can unlock areas that have delayed your manifestation power. Understanding where these aspects are placed in your chart is extremely healing. Here is a quick guide below on each.

  • Black Moon Lilith: Repression and suppression .
  • Chiron: Wounding and trauma.
  • Saturn: Harsh lessons and restriction.
  • Pluto: Power and transformation.
  • Nodes of the Moon: Life path.

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