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Health Astrology - 5th Houses

5th house basically covers up the part like liver, spleen, pancreas, and bile's formation by liver, spinal cord to name the few. If pancreas works to its fullest, then insulin will take care of Glucose level and you do not had to fear from diabetes.

If Spleen works normally then you're RBC, WBC and platelets will form normally and your immune system will be strong which will act as barrier against so many diseases in this fast paced life.

If your spinal cord is flexible enough then you will have less back pain and it would be easy to perform day to day activities. If bile will be normally produced by liver, then your digestion will be perfect which is so vital for nourishment of your body.

If this house is benefic then person's body parts mentioned above will be in better shape, of course we had to look position of planets in birth chart before reaching any conclusion.

If, 5th house is in malefic condition, then one will suffer ailments related to Liver like jaundice, if house suffers from extreme malefic then one may have liver cirrhosis or any other disease related to liver which ultimately would be bad for your entire body as digestion would not be proper.

There may be jaundice problems or Diabetes especially if Jupiter is malefic in birth chart. Problems may come related to spleen and your may fall sick from time to time, or disease fighting macrobes, your T and B cells would not be able to perform optimally.

There may be problem related to spinal cord or there may be low back pain.

So Remedies have to be followed and that will further depend upon how much malefic fifth house is in and which planets are malefic related to fifth house.

Fundamentals of 5th House in Kundli

  • Vedic name of 5th House: Putra Bhava
  • Natural Ruling Planet and Sign: Sun and Leo
  • Body parts associated: Stomach, pancreas, spine, upper and lower back
  • People in 5th House: Children, romantic partners, students, artists, creative partners, and others we love and adore
  • Activities in 5th House: When we express our heart's desire, we act through the 5th house. Creating art, teaching or learning what you love, romancing your beloved, giving an astrology reading or healing session are all examples of 5th house activities.

Health Astrology 5th Houses in India

Sun in 5th House in Astrology does very well most of the time as it is Sun's own house. It gives native creative and artistic skills and a son in life unless the Sun's position is weak. Sun in 5th House in Vedic Astrology makes a person lucky in speculative business while giving lots of male company in life.

The 5th house represents creativity, education, the creation of children, speculative business, gambling, sports betting, cinema, stage performance, artistic talents and past life deeds. It also signifies involvement in gaining knowledge of ancient texts and culture.

The Sun is the controller of life. It represents ego, soul, exposure, self-esteem, courage, image, reputation, father, government, efforts, authority, creativity and illusion.

Significance and Characteristics of Sun in 5th House in Astrology

  • The fifth house is the original house of Sun, and hence Sun is the most comfortable here. Sun in the fifth house magnifies everything in native's life.
  • The native of Sun in the fifth house is bold and confident in his abilities. The native is profound in his education and wants to express his share of knowledge with everyone by being the centre of attraction.
  • The native of Sun in the fifth house is interested in politics, art, creativity and culture, and he is expressive of the love he possesses for these activities and aspects. The native holds his pride and ego in knowing or having knowledge about these.
  • The fifth house is also the house of children, and the native of Sun in the fifth house is also proud of their children and boosts their ego by flattering and expressing their children's achievements in front of other people.
  • The Sun in the fifth house is fierce and fiery, which dries up everything, including fertility for the native, which can create a struggling part when it comes to creating children. However, if Jupiter is looking up to the Sun, there will be no struggle in this aspect.
  • The native's father will be a stockbroker, creative artist, or gambler, indicating the family's financial ups and downs.

What does the 5th House signify in Astrology?

The 5th House in Astrology represents children, fun, creativity, past life karma, education, speculative business, entertainment, ancient knowledge, media, writing, and the stock market.

The 5th House in Vedic Astrology signifies education and learning, intelligence, and mental inclinations. Physically, the liver, stomach, and spleen are next after the chest. Another noteworthy thing is that the division between the 4th and 5th house corresponds to the diaphragm that separates the chest from the space below. The liver is a brilliant and complex organ regulating many chemical processes in the body. The liver is also able to re-grow itself if parts are removed. This supports the fifth house signification of intelligence and adds creativity. Sinha (Leo) is the corresponding sign and adds to intellect's signification.

Auspicious Results of Sun in 5th House in Astrology

  • Sun in 5th house either reduces the number of younger brothers or deprives one friend.
  • The elder brother may even die.
  • Sun in the third house results in losses from brothers and relatives and pain from one's own brothers.
  • One should not stay with his brother because this will result in obstacles in their growing fortunes.
  • One's brothers and friends may be destroyed.
  • One is inimical towards his own people, friends, and brothers.
  • One may incur an injury in the hand.
  • One may suffer from some pain in the 4th, 5th, 8th, and 12th years.
  • One may be the only child of his parents. Even if there is a brother, he may be of little use or assistance.
  • One may be either the eldest or the youngest.
  • One will attain fame.

Inauspicious Results of Sun in 5th House in Astrology

  • One does not perform pious deeds and is lethargic in matters of religion.
  • One may be worried, anxious, lively, weak, short-tempered, and have a painful childhood.
  • One may be confused.
  • One's mind may be unstable and indecisive.
  • One will be carefree, incautious, pleasure-loving, and lively.
  • One is skilled at fraud and unhesitant in cheating others.
  • One may have a comparatively large stomach and may suffer from stomach ailments.
  • One may also suffer pain in the arms or hands.
  • One may die of chest pain or heart trouble.
  • One may suffer ailments during his youth.
  • One may not acquire wealth and be poor.
  • One will spend a lot of money.
  • One may wander around mountains and forts.
  • One will be lively and pleasure-loving and will enjoy the company of his spouse.
  • One may perform evil deeds, have a wicked mental frame, and may give bad advice.
  • In the seventh year, one's father may be harmed in some manner.
  • There might be no children.
  • One is educated, a writer, a publisher, or a businessman.
  • One may have two spouses.
  • Children may die, and there may be other hardships.

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