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16 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrology

16 Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the rarest of rare Rudraksha beads found in Nepal and Indonesia. This fortunate bead holds the divine vibrations of Lord Mahamritunmjaya Shiva. The sixteen Mukhi Rudraksha enhances the full potential and courage of the wearer and gives a fulfillment in all aspects of life. By enchanting 16 Mukhi Rudraksha beads, a person can feel immense pleasure and benefit. It makes a wearer truthful, positive and honest in all his actions. Mainly, the worshipper of Lord Shiva must wear this bead to get his maximum blessing. Rudraksha fulfills all the wishes of the wearer as long as a man keeps wearing Rudraksha. If the person wears the rudraksha, at the time of death, a man experiences true salvation and also helps to increase self-confidence and control stress level.

This Rudraksha is also related to Sixteen Kala (attainments and Siddhi). The person who wears this sixteen face Rudraksha will get success in all the ventures. This Rudraksha invokes 16 Kala of Moon in the wearer and opens the passage of 16 attainments for the wearer. The person who wears this rudraksha attains 16 Siddhis and attainments. This bead is called a Rudraksha for a victory that protects the wearer from all kinds of problems, pains, dreadful diseases, court cases, suffers, adverse circumstances and much more. On a therapeutic level, it heals kidney, intestine, uterus, ulcer and low back pain.

The wearer of these sixteen Mukhi Rudraksha becomes a devotee of the almighty God and lives his life on the passage of Satya (Truth). The wearer also gains the Punya of 7 births in the form of 16 Shakti (Power). It is said that in Mahabharat, Arjun strikes the Eye of fish while wearing this Rudraksha. The wearer of this Rudraksha no longer remains an ordinary person, the wearer will become a powerful person with a clear vision. This Rudraksha gives all comforts and liberates the wearer from all the sins.

This Rudraksha is a powerful fruit for all humans, who wear it. This bead of Rudraksha gives success in all works and if it is worn without reciting Mantra or Siddhi he will be considered as the done sin of killing 108 Cows.

The presiding Deity of the 16 Mukhi Rudraksha is Lord Ram and the controlling planet is Rahu. This bead is also considered to be a form of Lord Mahakaal, the Lord of Time. The wearer of this Rudraksha is said to become victorious over time. It is believed that the wearer of this bead does not feel cold even in winter. The homes that are lucky to have this bead are considered free from the dangers of house fires, robbery, or theft. This bead should be worn when one is in danger of losing one's reputation or honor when prospects of marriage are looking bleak, when one is fearful of government authority, when one's faith is facing a crisis, or when one has suddenly become scared of Death because of any terrible nightmare or any disease.

Origin of 16 Mukhi Rudraksha

Original sixteen mukhi rudraksha must be worn by people, who are placed at administrative positions like businessmen, politicians, leaders, managers, and public and private administrators, so they can successfully perform their work and achieve deserved name as well as fame. A person who is looking to make their relationship better and wants to bring harmony in the family circle can get benefit by wearing the same rudraksha. The planet that rules the 16 mukhi rudraksha is the Moon. A person's reaction, basic habits, deepest thoughts, and soul are represented by planet Moon. Pure and fortunate sixteen faced rudraksha beads improve the position of the planet.

The 16 mukhi rudraksha is available in two varieties, the Nepal and Java Indonesian varieties. The Nepali beads are generally larger with deeply etched mukhi lines, whereas Java Indonesian beads are smaller, smoother with visible mukhi lines.

Significance of 16 Mukhi Rudraksha

16 Mukhi rudraksha is also called as Maha Mrityunjaya Rudraksha as it represents Maha Mrityunjaya form of Lord Shiva. Maha Mrityunjaya Rudraksha rejuvenates, bestows the wearer good health and wealth, longevity, extreme protection from untimely death, sudden accidents and destroy all evil forces, black magic, occult and blesses the worshipper with contentment and very peaceful life. It is known since time memorial that meditating wearing 16 Mukhi Rudraksha connects one to pure consciousness and bliss. Earlier saints and Tapasvees used to wear this Rudraksha and do their Tapasya so that they are well protected from the natural calamities and attain Moksha in the least possible time. This Rudraksha also converts unfavourable times due to planetary imbalance in ones life to the most favourable times.

Chanting Maha Mrityunjaya mantra in the morning wearing this Rudraksha sitting in South West corner of the house or workplace and facing North East will make the wearer fulfil all his wishes and would make him fearless from death and any other calamity. The wearer becomes victorious in all his endeavours and reaps happiness and wealth and leads a successful life. When Sati jumped in the fire of the yajna, Lord Shiva became very fierce and then did the Tandava, this Roopa of Lord Shiva is called as Maha Mrityunjaya Roop, and in this, even Yama also got scared and went back. So the wearer of this Rudraksha can even turn Yama back and avoid his death. The Mantra is Om Hreeng Hoong Namah. This mantra is to be chanted correctly. The mantra is not Om Hreem Hoom Namah but it is Om Hreeng Hoong Namah. The 16 Mukhi Rudraksha controls and balances the Sahasrara, Vishuda and Manupurka Chakras.

Benefits of 16 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead

  • It bestows victory over disputes & court cases.
  • With the presence of 16 Mukhi the home becomes free from theft, fire, accidents etc.
  • It increases connection with Lord Shiva (Maha Mrityunjaya) and makes the wearer fearless and free from troubles.
  • It also enhances physical, mental & sensory potential of the wearer.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrology in India

Spiritual Benefits of 16 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead

  • 16 mukhi Rudraksha is miraculously effective and gives security, protection, victory & fearlessness.
  • It protects from all kinds of problems to the wearer.
  • Remove fearsome diseases, adverse circumstances, evil energy, nightmares, fear of loss, lack of resources & support and even fear of death to the wearer.
  • Sixteen Mukhi pacifies the negative influence & afflictions of the Moon.
  • It also enhances self-potential and makes one utilize it to the fullest.

Health Benefits of 16 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead

  • Wearing this auspicious bead heals kidney, intestine, uterus, ulcer & low back pain.
  • 16 Mukhi also cures urogenital system diseases.
  • It is also beneficial for recovery from any acute, severe and chronic diseases.

How to wear 16 Mukhi rudraksha

Before wearing 16 Mukhi rudraksha make sure it is energised by an expert astrologer then only you will be able to reap the benefits of its power. Also, keep in mind to buy the bead with your own money otherwise it will not solve its purpose and will be equal to any ordinary ornament. Do not wear the bead without the advice of the astrologer as it can lay a negative impact on your life if it is not meant for you to wear.

Day of wearing: It is advised that Monday is the auspicious day to wear the rudraksha
What to do before wearing: Early in the morning take a bath, wear clean clothes and then wear it. You can wear it around the neck or as a bracelet depending on what your astrologer suggests.
Metal used: You can draw the beads in a wool or silk thread and cap them in silver or gold

Power of Sixteen Mukhi Rudraksha

  • A Sixteen Mukhi Rudraksha is said to make the Swadhisthan Chakra strong and more powerful which represents the water element in the human body.
  • This Rudraksha releases the wearer from the anxiety of theft, injuries, fire, losses, reduced income, defamation as well as an accidental death.
  • It is believed that even the Lord Yama who is the Lord of Death blesses the person wearing a Sixteen Mukhi Rudraksha.
  • This Rudraksha also aids to recover smoothly from any acute or chronic diseases.
  • The wearer of this Rudraksha gets the advantage of chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra regularly that gives peace to the mind of the human.

Ayurvedic properties of Sixteen Mukhi Rudraksha

  • This Sixteen face Rudraksha with 16 regular depressions is called Jai (triumph) Rudraksha and the wearer achieves accomplishment to all extent.
  • It is said that 16 Mukhi Rudraksha encourages the wearer to emerge successful in every field and in new endeavors.
  • 16 Mukhi Rudraksha likewise gets successful over any sort of tension or real fears.
  • It also helps to slow down endeavors, medical problems, scholarly issues and so on.
  • This Rudraksha could be extremely helpful for individuals who are stuck on tough and delayed lawful cases and matters.
  • It is an extremely uncommon Rudraksha and it ensures the wearer.
  • It encourages the whole family to achieve triumph in every different way.

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