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Overcome Relationship and Marital Problems Astrology in India

Like all other relationships, marriage also has its share of ups and downs. While the good days bring joy and a sense of unfathomable love for one another, the bad days are frustrating and undesirable. But at times the conflicts can grow stronger with time and consequently impact the well-being of not just the couples but also those in and around them. Best Kundli matching astrology services help married couples to not just find a solution to undesired conflicts but also make the relationships stronger and blissful with time.

Marriage is a beautiful bond that brings two people together, binding them with feelings of love, respect, and harmony. It is indeed a bond that everybody wants to cherish as it has the potential to transform our lives, filling it with joy and contentment.

However, sometimes, this bond can turn sour as disputes can ruin the peace in one's happy abode. Troubles arising in the relationship can make this relationship problematic and burdensome. It is often observed that usually, the first few months of matrimony fly away as the couple is immersed in the newness of the relationship and the excitement it brings along. However, as time passes, issues creep into the relationship, giving room to conflicts that end up in clashes between the once happily married couple.

Astrology can offer some help as it studies the planetary positions in the birth chart of the couple to come up with remedies that can bring back the lost charm of married life. Astrology, coupled with sincere efforts from both spouses, can bring peace and harmony into the relationship. 

Marriage is a sacred ritual in our Indian culture in which two people along with their families enter into a relationship and help advance their families ambition of having offspring.These relationships are at an emotional, physical and mental level and carry out their responsibilities in life jointly. When a lot of differences crop up between a couple he relationship come to a point of separation.

The relationship between a husband and his wife is bound by soul. Therefore, even if one is upset the love and affection between them never dies and remains intact. But sometimes conflicts occur and it may lead to differences. This affects the love they share in their relationship. In this situation, a couple should use astrological remedies that may help overcome the differences in their relationship.

Astrologically reasons for a separation can be known from the birth horoscope of both husband and wife. The reasons can be:

  • Manglik Dosha of one partner, due to unmatched Kundalis.
  • Malefics presence in marriage houses like the second house, seventh house and Lagna.
  • Dasha mismatch of both partners, for example, ongoing Trik houses Dasha of both.
  • Moon sign Lords are inimical to each other due to which there is a wide gap in personalities.
  • Nadi Dosha in the Ashtakoot Milan.

Relationship Problems and Solutions

Relationships are essential for our well being. Throughout our lifetime, we meet new people and live with different people like spouse, parents, relatives, etc. Our relationship with them depends on a lot of factors. While there is love and respect but, at times strain and misunderstanding crop up in relations leading to arguments, tussles, etc. with them. These bitter moments tend to take away our mental peace and focus.

Apart from mutual conduct and behavior, the planetary position in our horoscope is also responsible for such situations. Rahu, Ketu, and Mangal are the most malicious planets and can cause a lot of troubles if they are placed in unfavorable positions.

Rahu Kaal is responsible for the stubbornness of a person, and also it creates a lot of tussles and arguments in marital life. There are chances of a person getting into an illicit relationship and an extramarital affair. Children also do not get the proper love because of these planets. These all conditions create frustration, negative environment in life and hamper one's well-being.

Overcome Relationship and Marital Problems Astrology in India

Intimacy Problems

Many married couples find it difficult to maintain the same level of intimacy following a few years of marriage. Over time it can cause serious tensions among partners and cause disharmony in marriage. As per astrology, rudraksha Abhishek is a proven way to get rid of all negativity and misunderstanding among married couples. It invokes Rudra the most powerful cosmic energy that dissipates all negativity and disharmony among married couples. Astrology gives you many solutions to your marriage problems. Furthermore, Tulsi or holy basil plant is also known to strengthen the marriage bond. Keeping it in the house and worshipping it daily helps keep married couples tied to one another in love.

A marriage is a very sacred bond that needs time and devotion from each partner. There is no debate that astrology helps strengthen this bond. But each partner must realize that it is his/her duty to understand the other. Only by putting ourselves into our partner's shoes can we better understand his/her perspective and avoid being too judgemental. We hope this article will help you overcome any misunderstanding and challenges in your marriage.

Compatibility Problems

Misunderstandings or discrepancies are common among any married couple. However, effort must be made to find the root cause of the misunderstanding. The most common reasons for misunderstanding include different priorities and attitudes towards life. A balance can be struck by studying and analyzing the effect of planets, particularly Venus, on the houses of each individual. Based on these readings, astrology can suggest remedies to negate the bad influence of these planets on each partner.

Marital Problems and Solutions by Astrology

In order to provide the best possible and certain marital problems and solution by astrology, highly discerning and globally eminent astrologer takes into account the following things - status of the seventh and other significant houses of the birth chart; location, nature, and strength of Venus, and the lord of seventh house in the natal chart; location, strengths, and weaknesses of benefic planets like Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, etc.; influences of malevolent and benevolent planets on this seventh house, both under the stationary and transit conditions; the degree of negative and unfavorable influences of malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu, etc. on the seventh house, and on overall birth chart; and effects of any harmful astrology yoga, like the Kaal Sarpa Yoga, or Mangal Dosha. The problems and disputes related with married life and relationship between spouses, which can adroitly be tackled by our adept astrologer, come under the following broad varieties :

  • Decreasing allure and love between husband and wife.
  • Misunderstandings, discrepancies, and discord between spouses.
  • Constantly increasing chances of separation or divorce.
  • Extramarital affairs of husband or wife.
  • Lack of satisfying compatibility and intimacy between husband and wife.
  • Problematic interference of near relatives and families in one's domesticity.
  • Reducing trust and confidence in the other partner.
  • Marital problems and instability caused by financial difficulties or fluctuations.
  • Disturbed domesticity caused by slack business or profession.
  • And, many other problems related with married life and cozy domesticity.

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