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Love Match Compatibility Astrology in India

Kundli Matching, most commonly known as Horoscope Matching in Indian culture, is the science practiced by Indians since the ancient Vedic times. Everyone seeks a perfect life partner for a happy life. Kundali matching plays an important role in finding a suitable match or an ideal partner for life. Marriage is a sacred bond and to have an understanding and compatible partner is such a blessing.

Marriage is considered one of the most important days in anyone's life. Yes, we are moving at a lightning-fast speed in the 21st century, but before tying the knots of holy matrimony, Kundali Milan is still the priority for our Indian culture. Horoscopes of the bride and the groom are matched to see the compatibility and the impact of stars and other cosmic energies in their married life.

Celestial bodies like stars and planets influence our lives in many ways, and the horoscope matching helps us about the precautions and remedies for a happy married life. It also helps to nullify or decrease the effects of any dosh in the Kundali's of the couple to ensure their peaceful, healthy, and prosperous life. Kundali matching, also known as Gun Milan, is the study of the 36 Gunas of a person.

A horoscope matching compares 8 categories or Koots of a person and hence also referred to as Ashtakoot Milan. Ashta means eight and the Koot means categories. These Koots have 36 Gunas that are to be compared for calculating the compatibility between a couple. The eight Koots are : Varna, Vasya, Deena, Yoni, Maitri, Gan, Bhakoot and Nadi.

Every human being who walks this earth brings with themselves their own set of energies. And each of these energy fields is governed by certain planets and zodiac signs. As a whole different person, the energy field that you entertain ought to be completely different from others. Or to simplify, your energies might not be compatible with others, and this what makes you and any other person you meet, different.

Thus, here is when Kundli matching, also called kundli milan or horoscope matching or kundali gun milan, comes to your rescue. Kundli matching, as an ancient science, allows us to witness if the energies we entail match or complement with the energies of our partner or the one we plan to tie the knot with. To explain, Kundli Milan gives us an insight into how compatible the two people are with/for each other, as compatibility is one of the most important traits that keeps two people together in the long run.

Horoscope matching, also known as Kundli matching in Vedic astrology, considers both; the position of the planets at the time of your birth and their current positions to find how compatible two people are for each other. Kundli matching is necessary to find if the position of the planets is likely or unlikely. For example, if Rahu is poised negatively (Rahu Mahadasha) in one's Rashi, it is not the best time for them to get married. Similarly, the Kundli matching process can help find if the girl or the boy is Mangalik or not? And in case one of them is, your kundli helps in highlighting how one's Managalik dosha will affect the other person.


  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces

Love Match Compatibility Astrology in India


When two Aries come together in a love affair, there's bound to be fireworks.
These two are always competing, which can make for quite a challenging love match. An Aries-Aries relationship is like looking into a mirror: Aries understands their partner's need for independence because they're the same way. At times, however, they can be possessive and turn into two Rams butting heads. They have to learn not to compete with one another so much. If they can do so, their partnership can be extremely powerful.

" If they can do so, their partnership can be extremely powerful. "

An Aries-Aries love match is a meeting of two strong spirits; generally, the relationship is positive and enthusiastic. They love to try new things — often extreme sports or some other intense activity. Solving the inevitable problems of a close relationship can be tough due to the two egos constantly clashing. They must learn to work together. Since both partners like things to go their way, they must make a conscious effort not to be selfish. Aries also has a natural generosity, however, so two Aries together can certainly learn to take turns indulging each other. Aries is very open with their feelings; totally straightforward, two Aries will never have problems with deceit or hypocrisy. Both partners will have trouble with temper outbursts that result from hasty judgments. Aries just wants to get on with it, already!.


When Aries and Taurus come together in a love affair, the partnership is a natural union of Love, represented by Taurus, and Passion, represented by Aries. This relationship is all about balance. Aries wants to jump right in and get into it, while Taurus prefers to go much more slowly. This can create a problem; Taurus loves to be wooed and romanced — two concepts that are basically foreign to straightforward, brash, totally unsubtle Aries. An Aries-Taurus partnership can be a great learning experience for both Signs. Taurus can help Aries rein in some of the more foolish, impractical impulses, and Aries can help Taurus be more spontaneous and adventurous.

" Taurus can help Aries rein in some of the more foolish, impractical impulses, and Aries can help Taurus be more spontaneous and adventurous. "

Taurus is sensual, patient and gentle. Aries is attracted to these qualities; Aries sees Taurus as their rock, totally stable and loyal forever. Taurus sees Aries as possessing that quality they want more of — knowing when and how to grab on to life's opportunities. These Signs are a good balance for each other. Aries might sometimes play games with Taurus, playing off that Bullish laziness, or try to push Taurus into making hasty decisions, but the Bull can usually convince the Ram to slow down a bit. Aries brings excitement to the relationship, while Taurus brings security and romance. When Aries wants instant gratification, Taurus can show just how sexy and sensual slow, deliberate movement can be.


When Aries and Gemini come together in a love affair, they connect on a physical as well as an intellectual level. These two Signs love activity and stay optimistic even in the most trying of times. Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac usually enjoy excellent communication and a deep understanding of one another. Aries's independent, pioneering spirit is attractive to Gemini, who also values independence. If Gemini feels that Aries is being too controlling or if Aries takes Gemini's flirtatious nature too seriously, arguments may set the tone of the relationship. They create a good balance together: Aries wants to experience things and Gemini wants to discuss them. Together they can make all kinds of new discoveries that they might have missed alone.

" Together they can make all kinds of new discoveries that they might have missed alone. "

Both Aries and Gemini have tons of energy as well as common goals. Gemini is a thinker and a talker, prizes intellectual stimulation and freedom and loves to look at all sides of an argument. Aries loves to jump into new projects and get their hands dirty, and Gemini will definitely take the time to find out Aries's reasons for choosing the projects they support. While Gemini can be wishy-washy, Aries is straightforward and decisive; this is a great combination, but it is essential that Aries allows Gemini intellectual space.


When Aries and Cancer come together in a love affair, it's a case of opposites attracting. Aries is rash and brash while Cancer is sensitive and emotional. Aries can certainly be emotional — in a fiery, impetuous way that can completely overwhelm Cancer. Even though Cancer usually likes to take time with relationships, Aries's whirlwind approach can be extremely stimulating. Aries, on the other hand, may find the Cancerian sensitivity appealing; it's a good balance for the typical Aries bluntness. Troubles may arise if Cancer's mood swings or Aries's aggression becomes hurtful. Both Signs must take time to listen to their partner's needs and understand that they're coming from different directions to meet a common goal.

" Both Signs must take time to listen to their partner's needs and understand that they're coming from different directions to meet a common goal. "

Cancer is the Sign of Home while Aries is the Sign of Self. One great dynamic between these two is that both Signs are extremely protective of those they love. Cancer uses that Crab shell to draw around themselves and their family and mate when trouble is near, while the Ram uses their strength and bravery, like a knight in shining armor. Cancer also provides Aries with a happy domestic life and emotional security. Sometimes they might build an idealized image of their Aries partner or be overly possessive, which can really grate on independent Aries. However, Aries can help by reassuring their Cancer partner that they are loved and cherished. Aries really needs to learn to listen to Cancer: the Crab operates on an instinctive level and their advice can help Aries avoid making silly mistakes caused by that typical Aries lack of planning.


When Aries and Leo come together in a love affair, the sparks will fly! Both are Fire Signs, passionate and dynamic, with a healthy love of sportsmanship and competition. There is a lot of action in this relationship. Both Signs want to be the boss and problems can arise when their equally-large egos get in the way. These partners have genuine admiration and respect for each other, but they need to learn to take turns commanding and giving orders — even when they're only choosing a movie at the video store!.

" These partners have genuine admiration and respect for each other, but they need to learn to take turns commanding and giving orders — even when they're only choosing a movie at the video store!. "

This partnership is all about fiery passion, domination and who's on top — and when! Both Signs can be impatient and proud. Leo likes to be adored and their egos to be stroked, services which easily-bored Aries may not want to provide. Aries may also be bothered by Leo's flirtatious nature — but this relationship is always exciting. Despite their sometimes noisy differences, Aries often looks to Leo as a guide or counselor. Leo is the Lion and, with Leo, Aries can be the lamb. As in the myth (The Lion and the Lamb), any differences between these two can be overcome. Both Signs are usually respected by others and it's important that this respect exists within the relationship as well.


When Aries and Virgo come together in a love match, they may think at first that they have nothing in common and nothing to learn from one another. This relationship takes time to develop as each partner must learn to understand where the other is coming from. Aries and Virgo can seem like total opposites: While Aries is brash, dominant and aggressive, always jumping into new things and almost always impatient, Virgo is detail-oriented and quiet, even shy, and works patiently toward long-term goals. Aries's energy is fiery and impetuous while Virgo's is much slower and more grounded. It's these very differences, however, that can teach Aries and Virgo so much, once they just look beneath one another's surfaces to see what lies beneath.

" It's these very differences, however, that can teach Aries and Virgo so much, once they just look beneath one another's surfaces to see what lies beneath. "

Early in the relationship, Aries and Virgo may see nothing but one another's faults. Virgo thinks Aries is way too brash, and Aries thinks Virgo is extremely fussy. But if they focus on one another's strengths instead, they'll discover a great deal. Aries teaches Virgo about fun and excitement, about the spontaneity that is often missing in Virgo's life. Virgo teaches Aries patience and attention to detail, the knowledge that the little things — and moments — are important too. Aries can teach their Virgo lover to take things less seriously. Virgo can teach Aries to be polite and value hard work.


When Aries and Libra come together in a love affair, the inherent polarity of the Zodiac is invoked. Aries and Libra are directly opposite one another in the Zodiac — 180 degrees apart. Each Sign possesses qualities that the other lacks; combined with Libra's natural yen for harmony, this can be a relationship that enjoys great balance. Aries is the Sign of Self while Libra is the Sign of Partnership, and the differences continue: Aries is impulsive, excitable and ready to jump right into something new and exciting, while Libra is indecisive, peace-loving and prefers a calm, smooth approach. Aries can learn from Libra that their own way isn't necessarily the best way.

" Aries can learn from Libra that their own way isn't necessarily the best way. "

These two Signs share the great sexual attraction common to all Signs opposite in polarity. At the same time, though this pair's connection is amazing when it's good, it can be extremely challenging when it's bad. All polarities have energies that tend to tangle or knot if understandings can't be reached. As a combination, Aries and Libra are well-balanced. Charming, cultured Libra can teach brash Aries something about style. Libra prizes harmony in a relationship and will go to great lengths to maintain it. Aries is very decisive and can teach indecisive Libra about relying on intuition for answers.


When Aries and Scorpio come together in a love match, it can be the kind of relationship where they both wonder how they ever managed apart. Both Signs love power and they can achieve just about anything — as long as they learn to share the spotlight. Scorpio is very focused; once they set their sights on Aries, Aries is most likely powerless to resist! Scorpio has a deeper and more complex devotion to this relationship than does Aries.

" Scorpio is very focused; once they set their sights on Aries, Aries is most likely powerless to resist! Scorpio has a deeper and more complex devotion to this relationship than does Aries. "

These two Signs tend to engage in heavy, heated arguments. Their connection is highly passionate and often argumentative, because both partners have jealous tendencies. Scorpio tends to be more patient, but is also more possessive than Aries — and can lash out (with that Scorpion sting!) when their feelings get hurt. Despite their differences in emotional involvement, both partners love risk and taking chances; this is not a boring relationship! Aries and Scorpio can have lots of adventures together. They may have trouble understanding one another — Aries is a true extrovert, totally up-front and open, while Scorpio is more inward, emotional and, at times, manipulative. Sometimes a truce is necessary to keep things running smoothly!.


When Aries and Sagittarius come together in a love affair, it can be a match made in heaven! These partners have much in common - similar energies and interests - and are highly compatible. Both are explorers and pioneers. This relationship is torrid and exciting and both partners are always ready for a new adventure. They both crave life experience of their own and don't like to waste time just reading about it or listening to others tell about theirs. They do need to be careful, however: This could be an accident-prone relationship as Aries is always in a rush and Sagittarius tends to look at everything but the obvious. Also, as much as these two have in common, it may be difficult to maintain a long-term relationship when both parties have so much energy to start new things - but not much interest in following through.

" Also, as much as these two have in common, it may be difficult to maintain a long-term relationship when both parties have so much energy to start new things — but not much interest in following through. "

Aries and Sagittarius make great friends as well as lovers. They truly understand one another's optimistic view of life. Problems are rare, but Sagittarius has an even greater need for independence than does Aries, who can sometimes be overly possessive. Aries is also a bit more sensitive than the fun and flirty Archer; Sagittarius can tend to put their foot in their mouth, so to speak, by speaking without thinking. The good thing is, both Signs are able to forgive and forget fast. They don't have time to spend holding a grudge!.


When Aries and Capricorn come together in a love match, they must work hard to maintain their mutual energy. Their approaches can seem almost opposite to one another — Aries is all about acting without bothering to consider where the action is directed or what it will attain, while Capricorn is all about judging whether (or how much) it will benefit them before they take action. Aries moves fast and, to Capricorn, at least, seems to risk it all. Capricorn abhors unnecessary risk. They move at a slower pace, working inexhaustibly toward well-defined goals (usually related to career or other forms of public advancement). Both partners always get where they're going, only in different ways — and usually where they're going is totally different, too!.

" Both partners always get where they're going, only in different ways — and usually where they're going is totally different, too!. "

Capricorn is generally rather quiet and unassuming while Aries is much louder and more flashy. They're both very stubborn and think their way is best, so in order to work together, they have to agree to disagree. Their philosophies are very different: Aries looks for the shortcut while Capricorn wants to follow the rules, assuming they're a tried-and-true path to success. How does this manifest itself in a romantic relationship. Aries is all about impetuous, passionate pursuit of the one they want, without stopping to think whether the one they've chosen is really the right one for them. Capricorn, on the other hand, likes to analyze how much a potential love partner will be able to help them advance in life, and will use that as the basis of their decision of whether or not to pursue the relationship. If these two can meet and get together, however, they can teach one another things they wouldn't learn on their own.


When Aries and Aquarius come together in a love match, the combination of Aquarius vision and Aries action makes them a highly creative pair. Their relationship is anything but static; they can be competitive, but life with these two is never dull! Zodiac Signs that are two apart tend to have a special connection, and these are no exception. They are great friends as they communicate really well. They have a special understanding of one another's idealistic, enthusiastic outlook on life. They both crave excitement and new experiences — the wilder and stranger, the better. They're both into thrills and showing off.

" They're both into thrills and showing off. "

Many Aries-Aquarius relationships are based on mutual admiration. Aries loves how unique Aquarius is, their inventive vision of the world; Aquarius loves Aries for their energy and initiative — Aquarius gets new ideas all the time but sometimes finds it hard to carry them out. Since both Signs prize independence, Aries's tendency toward possessiveness can push Aquarius to become aloof or detached as a self-preservation tactic. Though they have that special connection, they do see the world in very different lights, which they both need to understand. Aries can be too involved for Aquarius's taste, and Aquarius in turn may be too unpredictable for Aries. As it turns out, Aquarius is the one Sign that has Aries beat when it comes to spontaneity! As long as both partners reassure each other that the relationship is important and secure, things will be just fine.


When Aries and Pisces come together in a love match, they can be very good for one another. Aries is a strong Sign; they are almost completely prey to their impulses, which they follow without a second thought to the outcome or possible consequences. Dreamy Pisces is much quieter and more internally-focused; they're the Poets of the Zodiac. On the surface an Aries and a Pisces may seem an unlikely pair, but when there's love involved, they can truly fulfill one another's needs. Pisces is very intuitive, both as a person and as a lover; Aries must take care to return this favor so Pisces won't begin to see their Aries partner as stingy and selfish.

" Pisces is very intuitive, both as a person and as a lover; Aries must take care to return this favor so Pisces won't begin to see their Aries partner as stingy and selfish. "

Aries is a leader with tons of initiative. When Aries finds someone attractive they'll launch the pursuit without a second thought. When the 'prey' is gentle Pisces, Aries tends to take on the role of protector. The funny thing is, Pisces is the real protector, as the intuitive, deeply understanding partner who provides a relaxing sort of refuge for hectic Aries. Pisces is a Water Sign; they can fill any container, so to speak. They are so giving and empathetic that sometimes they can become something of a doormat — they give themselves completely to their partners, and if their partner can't do the same, trouble may result. Pisces understands Aries in a deeper way than most other Signs do, so this can help alleviate this type of problem: Pisces knows how to keep Aries from becoming overly brash or rash. Together they form a dynamic team when they combine Aries's directness with Pisces's intuitive understanding of other people.

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